General Knowledge and Everyday Science Balochistan PSC Paper 2002

Balochistan Public Service Commission Samungli Road Quetta Cantt.


January 25, 2002

Marks: 100  Time: 3 Hours

Q-1. Write an Essay on any TWO of the following:

i. Sweets are uses of Adversity.

ii. Optimism in Life and Literature.

iii. Dignity of Labour.

iv. The Fairy Tales of Science.

v. They never fail who fail in a great cause.

vi. Knowledge is Power.

vii. World Peace and how to achieve it?

viii. A Career of my Choice.

Q-2. (a) Suggest One-Word substitution for the following:

i. One who is easily made angry.

ii. More like a woman than man.

iii. A remedy of all diseases.

iv. My brother is a person who knows many languages.

v. Medicine given to counter poison.

(b). Write Verbs ending in –ISE – IZE:

i. to banish from society……….

ii. To make up on the spur of the moment………

iii. To make two or more things occur at the same time………

iv. To have sole control of………..

v. To drive out an evil spirit………..

Q-3. What do you understand by the following terms? Do any TEN:

i. Abdication

ii. Coalition

iii. Asylum

iv. Free Port

v. Casting Vote

vi. Pan-Islamism

vii. Veto

viii. Blank Verse

ix. Protocol

x. Agenda

xi. White Man’s burden

xii. Balance of Trade

xiii. Demurrage

xiv. Indemnity

Q-4. (a) Mention the Capital and Currency of the following:

i. Saudi Arabia

ii. Jordan

iii. Canada

iv. China

v. Syria

vi. Egypt

vii. Belgium

viii. Britain

ix. Argentina

x. Germany

(b) Distinguish the following words by using them in sentences:

i. Statute – Statue

ii. Righteous – Rightful

iii. Verbose – Verbal

iv. Virtual – Virtuous

v. Proscribe – Prescribe

Q-5. Answer any TEN of the following:

i. Why do you run when you take a long jump?

ii. What colours go to form a rainbow?

iii. How does a ship float?

iv. Why is it that cloudy nights are usually warmer than clear ones?

v. Why should ice be kept in a blanket?

vi. Why do we feel warm in woolen cloths?

vii. Why is one’s breath “visible” in cold but not in hot weather?

viii. Why does a fountain throw its water up?

ix. Why does a bad egg float in water? Where as a good one sinks?

x. Why does smoke rise in the air?

xi. How can you test the freshness of an egg?

xii. Why ice floats on water?

xiii. What are the components of our atmosphere?

xiv. What do you understand by short-circuiting?