Journalism CSS Paper 2008


TIME ALLOWED Part-I 30 Minutes Maximum Marks 20
Part-II 2 hours & 30 Minutes Maximum marks 80


Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (20)

i. What is “Lithography”?

a. A method of Printing
b. A system of local bodies
c. Circulation of Newspapers
d. None of these.

ii. What is “Dummy”?

a. Dead body of an animal
b. Make-up of newspaper
c. Front Page of Newspaper
d. None of these

iii. What is by line?

a. A railway track
b. Text written on lines
c. Reporter’s name printed with story
d. None of these

iv. Intra-Personal Communication is:

a. Communication with personal friend
b. With Public
c. With self
d. With family

v. What is ABC?

a. American Business Circle
b. American Business Corporation
c. Audit Bureau of Circulation
d. None of these

vi. Who was the first Editor of daily “Nwa-e-Waqt?”

a. Majeed Nizami
b. Mujeeb Nizami
c. Hameed Nizami
d. None of these

vii. When Television Transmission was started in Pakistan?

a. 1970
b. 1964
c. 1990
d. 1962

viii. The Subject allotted to a newspaper reporter is called:

a. Creed
b. Beat
c. Embargo
d. Feature

ix. A journalist who is not attached with any newspaper is called:

a. Retainer
b. Correspondent
c. Free Lancer
d. Stinger

x. Identification Mark written on the top of news story page is called:

a. Credit Line
b. Slug Line
c. Embargo
d. Tip

xi. Dr. Gobbles is known as father of:

a. Advertising
b. Public Relation
c. Propaganda
d. None of these

xii. The communication based on purchased time or space is called:

a. Publicity
b. Advertising
c. Propaganda
d. None of these

xiii. UPI is the abbreviation of:

a. United Press of Indonesia
b. United Press of India
c. United Press International
d. None of these

xiv. The news that appears two or three days before an event is called:

a. Follow up
b. Lead story
c. Curtain raiser
d. None of these

xv. Press and Publication Ordinance was introduced in:

a. 1963
b. 1965
c. 1995
d. None of these

xvi. Communication without words:

a. Visual communication
b. Non-Verbal communication
c. Mass communication
d. None of these

xvii. Tabloid newspaper is of small size with:

a. 3 columns
b. 4 columns
c. 5 columns
d. None of these

xviii. The reading of the script to check the errors is called:

a. Composing
b. Proof-reading
c. Editing
d. None of these

xix. A brief introduction of a photograph is called:

a. Embargo
b. Credit line
c. Caption
d. None of these

xx. OB stands for:

a. Open Box
b. Outdoor Broadcast
c. Official Beat
d. None of these


(i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions; selecting TWO questions from EACH SECTION All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.

Section I

Q.2. Discuss the concept and process of communication? What is the importance of Mass Communication in this modern age? (20)

Q.3. ‘News’ is the real soul of Journalism. What are the major functions and values of the news? Discuss in detail. (20)

Q.4. The present era is considered as the era of development of electronic media in Pakistan. Critically evaluate the role of present TV Channels in social development? (20)

Q.5. Discuss the role played by the Muslim Press during Pakistan Movement? (20)


Q.6. Survey the status of Magazine Journalism in Pakistan? What are the functions and scope of magazines in our society? (20)

Q.7. Define ‘Advertising’? What are the principles of successful advertising? Discuss the latest trends in advertising being practiced in our society? (20)

Q.8. What is the purpose and scope of Public Relation in any organization? Describe the major responsibilities of a Public Relation Officer? (20)

Q.9. “Freedom of Press” and “Responsibility” are two common issues in the filed of journalism. Discuss and evaluate the case of Pakistan regarding these concepts? (20)