Journalism CSS Paper II 1993


Time Allowed: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all including questions No. 8, which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry equal marks.

  1. Three pioneering enterprises have determined the course of evolution of Urdu journalism from the 19th century to the last decade of the 20th century: The Comrade, Al-Hilal, and The Zamindar. Discuss, identifying the character and ideals of each.
  2. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan is reputed to be the first Muslim journalist of the Pakistan-India Sub-continent. Do you agree? If yes, why? If not, who would you think deserves to be designated the first Muslim formalist of the Sub-Continent.
  3. What is the role of a free press in the Third World countries as far as the growth of democratic values is concerned and to what extent that role has been played by the press in Pakistan during the 197T1985 period?
  4. It is impossible to have a democratic society without complete freedom for the media of mass communication. Discuss.
  5. In Pakistan today, the print media is relatively more free than ever. The electronic media remain under government management. Does this create any anomalies? Identify these and discuss the impact on the formation of ENLIGHTENED public opinion.
  6. A dictator’s first target of attack is tile press. Discuss why it is so and what effect dictatorship has on/the press, giving some concrete examples from Pakistan’s experiences. 7. To what extent you think Pakistan’s contempt of court laws inhibit the freedom of press. Would you like to suggest any amendments to bring these laws in conformity with the requirements of a free press?
  7. Discuss any TWO of the following propositions:
    (i) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad blazed the tail of rational, secular and nationalist tendency in journalism in the Sub-continent;
    (ii) A newspaper without cartoons is incomplete and lifeless;
    (iii) The duty of electronic and print media is not only to inform but also to offer healthy and lively entertainment;
    (iv) A reporter without adequate knowledge of criminal law and law of libel is ill-equipped for his job;
    (v) Introduction of colour has made newspapers shallow and showy, something more to be seen than to be read;
    (vi) Electronic media have a tendency to be sensational, superficial and transient;
    (vii) In Pakistan, sports journalism has made notable progress. Discuss with illustrations drawn from sports journals in English language as well as Urdu;
    (viii) Electronic media makes a passing impression while print journalism leaves a lasting impact;
    (ix) Only a free press can be a respectable Press;
    (x) Woman are born journalist because they are more sharp, intelligent, discursive than male journalists.