Azad Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission Syllabus for Competitive Examination

Syllabus for the post of Assistant Superintendent of Police/Assistant Commissioner /Section officer and Non- Technical General Cadre posts (BPS-17).

(Written Tests)

  • 1. English paper
    • 1. Essay English – 50 marks
    • 2. English Precise & Composition and Letter Writing – 100 marks
  • 2. General Knowledge
    • Paper –I Every day Science – 50 marks
    • Paper – II Current Affairs – 100 marks
    • Paper – III
      • Pakistan Affairs – 25 marks
      • History of Kashmir – 25 marks
  • 3. Islamiyat
    • Paper – I Islamic History – 100 marks
    • Paper –II Islamic Fiqa, Hidiya Translation and Explanation of Holy Verses. – 150 marks
  • 4. Urdu – – 150 marks

Every Day Science: – This will contain elementary Knowledge regarding Physics, Chemistry, biology, psychology, common diseases & their remedies Public Health and Hygiene and Physical Geography.

Pakistan Affairs:- This will cover facts regarding History, Administration, Eco, social and cultural Matters and Foreign Relations


Islamiat Paper “A” Part – 1

  • Topic 01. Basic Principles of Islam
    • a. Articles of Faith
    • b. The Concept & Spirit of Tauheed.
    • c. Finality of Prophet hood
    • d. Practices of Islam
  • Topic 02. Outlines of Islamic History:-
    • a. The Holy Prophet of Islam (ﷺ): Perfect personality, Main events of His life, Conception of Sunnah.
    • b. Brief Survey of the following: Khulafa-e- Rashidain ), Ummayyads, Abbasides, Muslim in Spain & North-Africa, post-moghol, Muslim Period (Persia, Ottoman, turks, Muslim in Indo-Pakistan Sub-content), Islam in the 19th & 20th Centuries. The World of Islam today.


Islamiat Paper “B” Part – II


  • Topic 03. The Holy Quran & Hidiyas, Salient Characteristics: –
    • a. Its Revelation and Compilation.
    • b. Certain Basic Principles:
      • i. Duty towards Allah (Submission to his Laws)
      • ii. Duty towards Society (Equality, Justice, Haqooqul ebad, Honesty intelectural as well as financials).
      • iii. Duty towards nature Understanding (through experimentation) conquest & domination of the forces of nature in the service of Allah.
      • iv. Duty towards self: Moral Development & purification with an object to serve God’s people.
    • c. Certain Injunctions:
      • i. Wealth- The permitted way of earning illegal gratification – distribution – Zakaat, Inheritance, Charity, Waqf Interest, giving away of spare wealth.
      • ii. Concept of love in Islam.
      • iii. Women: Marriage, Divorce, Polygamy, right to Inherit, Treatment, Education of all human necessity, position of women in Islamic Society.
      • iv. Administration: Power a trust-selection of an administration, Efficiency and Honesty.
  • Topic 04. The Application of Islamic teachings to Socio-Economic development in the 20 century.


  • Paper –I Urdu Essay, letter writing precise,
  • Paper –II Composition and Urdu Adab.


Pass percentage in each subject 33% Aggregate Marks 45% – Viva Voice – 50%


1) Management Group (Assistant Commissioner) 2) Assistant Superintendent of Police.
3) Section Officer.
4) Misc. Non-technical General Cadre Posts (BPS-17) i.e. Local Govt. Food, Co-operatives, Industries, Usher and Zakaat Department and other posts included in this schedule by the Government from time to time.

Note: – The appointment to group 1 to 4 shall be made respectively on the basis of order of merit secured in the test and interview. The principle of district quota shall be regulated by inter se merit in person at the top shall go to group 1 and others accordingly, However, the option of a merit holder candidate shall prevail for selection of any cadre of service.


تاریخ کشمیر ضمیمہ الف

۔ معاہدہ امرتسر 1846

۔ ڈوگرہ دور میں مسلمانوں کے ساتھ امتیازی سلوک اور مسلم بیداری

۔ کشمیر میں مسلم تنظیموں اور اداروں کا قیام۔ ینگ مین مسلم ایسوسی ایشن، ریڈنگ روم پارٹی

۔ 13 جولائی 1931 کو سینٹرل جیل سرینگر میں ڈوگرہ فوج کے ہاتھوں مسلمانوں کی شہادت اور تحریک آزادی کا آغاز

۔ مسلم کانفرنس کا قیام نیشنل کانفرنس اور مسلم کانفرنس کا قیام۔

۔ آئینی جدوجہد گلانسی کمیشن کا قیام اور سفارشات

۔ کشمیر میں 1934 کے الیکشن اور مسلم کانفرنس کی مقبولیت 1967 کے انتخابات

۔ تحریک آزادی پر تحریک پاکستان کے الزامات

۔ تحریک آزادی کی نامور شخصیات

۔ 1947 میں آزاد کشمیر کے قیام تا حال

۔ آزاد کشمیر میں آئینی ارتقاء

۔ آزاد کشمیر کے وسائل اور ترقیاتی سرگرمیاں