Economics Paper II CSS Syllabus

Economics (200 Marks)

Paper-II (100 Marks)
(Economics of Pakistan)

I. Definition and Measurement of Development:

Characteristics of under development, rethinking on the concept of development: Growth vs. Redistributive justice, Absolute and Relative Poverty, Basic Needs Approach, Sustainable Development, Environmental Degradation & other Issues.

II. Planning Experience of Pakistan:

A critical evaluation of the strategy of economic planning, governance & Institutions.

III. Agricultural Development in Pakistan:

Changes in Agricultural Policies over plan periods, Major Monetary and Fiscal measures to promote Agricultural development, Green Revolution Strategy and its implications for growth and redistribution, Land Reforms and changes in the Tenure System 1950—1980, Cooperative Farming, Rural Development.

IV. Industrial Development in Pakistan:

Early industrialization strategy, Creation of Financial and Development Institutions, Major monetary and fiscal measures to promote industrial development, changing role of public sector over the plan periods, Evaluation of Nationalization Policy, Concentration of industrial income and wealth, Evaluation of Import Substitution Policy and Export led Growth Strategy in Pakistan.

V. Role of Foreign Trade and Aid in Economic Development :

Trends in Pakistan’s Balance of Payments, Terms of Trade, Changes in direction of trade, Trends in Pakistan’s major exports and imports, Causes of significant changes in the trends, the role of migration and remittances in Pakistan’s economy, costs and benefits of Foreign Aid, Role of Foreign Investment.

VI. Privatization, Denationalization, Deregulation:

Conceptual and operational aspects. International comparisons. Pakistan Experience of Privatization.

VII. Interest Free Banking in Pakistan

VIII. Energy Policy of Pakistan

IX. Social Sector Development in Pakistan

X. Major Issues in Pakistan Economy:

Energy crisis, Corruption, Bad governance, External debt accumulation and dependency, Unemployment, Income inequality, Inflation, Fiscal and trade deficits, Balance of payment issues, Shortage of irrigation water.