English Literature CSS Paper II 2002


NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.No.1. Critically analyze Hamlet’s delay problem.

Q.No.2. Do you agree with Shaw in his justification of Eliza’s choice at the end of the play ‘Pygmalion’? Give reasons.

Q.No.3. Swifts’ Gulliver’s Travel is a ‘mock utopia’. Explain.

Q.No.4. Critically appreciate Frost’s ‘After Apple Picking’ or ‘Mending Wall’.

Q.No.5. “Jane Austen’s view of life is the view of the eighteenth century civilization of which she was the last exquisite blossom. One might call it the moral realistic view. Jane Austen was profoundly moral.” (David Cecil). Elaborate.

Q.No.6. What does Byzantium symbolize in “Sailing to Byzantium”? Justify or refute Stocks’ remark that Yeats’ poetry is a battle ground for the clash of opposite with reference to “Sailing to Byzantium”.

Q.No.7. “Some of Pozzo’s speeches go beyond what seems dramatically plausible in a decaying boss-figure.” Substantiate from your reading of the play ‘Waiting for Godot’.

Q.No.8. Write only correct answer in the Answer book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

  1. Fortinbras is a character of the play:
    (a) Othello (b) Hamlet (c) King Lear (d) None of these

  2. Who wrote preface to Shakespeare:
    (a) Sir Philip Sidney (b) Dryden (c) Dr. Johnson (d) None of these

  3. The ‘Tragic Flaw’ is also called:
    (a) Catharsis (b) Catastrophe (c) Hamartia (d) None of these

  4. The Winter’s Tale is Shakespeare
    (a) Dramatic monologue (b) Comedy (c) Tragedy (d) None of these

  5. Who is believed to be suffering from Oedipus Complex:
    (a) Oedipus (b) Hamlet (c) Macbeth (d) None of these

  6. Whose comedies are called ‘Comedies of Mask’:
    (a) Ben Johnson’s (b) Bernard Shaw’s (c) Shakespeare’s (d) None of these

  7. Who belongs to the theatre of Absurd
    (a) Oscar Wilde (b) Beckett (c) Ibsen (d) None of these

  8. Which of the novels of Hemingway is called Hemingway’s Waste Land?
    (a) The Old Man and the Sea (b) Farewell to Arms (c) For Whom the Bell Tolls (d) None of these

  9. Poetry is defined as ‘Spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling’ by:
    (a) Shelley (b) Coleridge (c) Wordsworth (d) None of these

  10. Which is called the Victorian Age:
    (a) 18th Century (b) 19th Century (c) 20th Century (d) None of these

  11. A poem which consists of fourteen line is called:
    (a) A Sonnet (b) An Ode (c) A ballad (d) None of these

  12. ‘Murder in the Cathedral’ is written by”
    (a) Yeats (b) T. S. Eliot (c) D. H. Lawrence (d) None of these

  13. ‘End Game’ is written by:
    (a) Hemingway (b) Somerset Maugham (c) Beckett (d) None of these

  14. My soul had been a lawn besprinkled O’er with flowers, and Stirring Shades, and baffled dreams is an example of:
    (a) Metaphor (b) Simile (c) Personification (d) None of these

  15. Iron, times of doubts, disputes, distraction and Fear is an example of:
    (a) Oxymoron (b) Conceit (c) Alliteration (d) None of these

  16. ‘Pleasant Pain’ is an example of”
    (a) Metaphor (b) Paradox (c) Oxymoron (d) None of these

  17. Which of the plays is not written by T. S. Eliot?
    (a) The Rock (b) The Family Reunion (c) The importance of being Earnest (d) None of these

  18. Which of the novels is not written by Jane Austen?
    (a) Adam Bede (b) Mansfield Park (c) Emma (d) None of these

  19. ‘Lapis Lazuli’ is:
    (a) A Poem (b) Novel (c) Drama (d) None of these

  20. ‘My Fair Lady’ is a Cinematic Version of:
    (a) Pygmalion (b) Candida (c) Getting Married (d) None of these