English Literature KP PMS Paper II Syllabus

English Literature

Total Marks – 200

Paper II

Marks – 100

The paper will require first hand knowledge of the text prescribed as well as general awareness of the authors’ major works and will be designed to test the candidates’ critical ability

1 Shakespeare Hamlet

2 Swift Gulliver’s Travels

3 Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice

4 Shaw Pygmalion

5 Yeats The Second Coming, Sailing to Byzantium, Among School Children

6 T.S. Eliot The Waste Land

7 D.H. Lawrence Sons & Lovers

8 Ernest Hemingway Old Man & The Sea

9 Samuel Beckett –  Waiting for Godot

10 Robert Frost The Pasture, Revelation, The Tuft of Flowers, After Apple Picking, Mending Wall, The Road Not Taken, An Old Man’s Winter Night, Birches, Fire and Ice, Stopping by Woods, West-running Brook, Desert Places