International Law CSS Paper 2007


Q.1 “What is meant by RECOGNITION of STATES as a mamber of FAMILY of NATIONS? State the different modes of such recognition.

Q.2 “In the absence of any form of international legislature of democratic states, international law was said to be based upon the consent of the states upon their individual acceptance of its principles and rules.” Discuss.

Q.3 Write short notes on:
(a) universal declaration of human rights (b) international court of justice (c) international boundaries (d) extradition
(e) neutrality

Q.4 What is “VETO?” How , when and by whom it is used?

Q.5 State and discuss in brief the various steps mentioned by STARKE in the creation of legal obligation by a treaty.

Q.6 Coercion against a state renders a Treaty invalid.Discuss main features of the principles. Also elaborate TWO other methods of rendering invalid the consent of a State to be bound by a treaty.

Q.7 Explain the various modes of acquiring and losing NATIONALITY. What is DOUBLE NATIONALITY and STATELESSNESS?


1. A state has the right to exploit in the Continental Shelf:
(a) living resources (b) non-living resources (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these

2. The principle of rabus sie stantibus means:
(a) a state cannot use force (b) there is no crime without a law (c) fundamental change of circumstances (d) none of these

3. The Schooner Exchange case dealth with the principle of:
(a) a state has soverign right its natural resources (b) state courts have to accept the validity of a foreign state’s acts (c) a state’s right of reprisals in case of violation of rights (d) none of these

4. Hague convention of 1970 dealt in properly with the crimes realting to:
(a) refugees (b) prisoners of war (c) hijacking (d) none of these

5. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in:
(a) 1920 (b) 1945 (c) 1948 (d) none of these

6. Contiguous Zone in Pakistan is adjacent to and beyond the territorial waters and extending seawards to a line:
(a) 12 nautical miles (b) 24 nautical miles (c) 60 nautical miles measured from the base-line (d) none of these

7. De facto recognition is:
(a) legal recognition (b) recognition in principle (c) circumstantial recognition (d) none of these

8. The limit of territorial waters of Pakistan is:
(a) 12 nautical miles (b) 20 nautical miles (c) 24 nautical miles—beyond the land territory and internal waters of Pakistan, measired from the base-line (d) none of these

9. Continental shelf of Pakistan may extend upto a distance of:
(a) 150 nautical miles (b) 200 nautical miles (c) 300 nautical miles—-beyond the limits of its territorial waters (d) none of these

10. Exclusive Economic Zone of Pakistan is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial waters, the limit of which is:
(a) 12 nautical miles (b) 100 nautical miles (c) 200 nautical miles (d) none of these

11.Select the correct one:
(a) only coastal states have the right to sail ships under their flags on the high seas (b) every state has the right to sail ships under its flag on the high seas (c)only five big powers have the right to sail ships under their flags on the high seas (d) no state has the right to sail ships under their flags on the high seas

12. Convention on the Law os the Sea was signed at Jamaica in:
(a) 1948 (b) 1975 (c) 1982 (d) none of these

13. Statutes of International Courts of Justice were drawn up by:
(a) London Declaration in 1941 (b) Moscow and Tehran Conference in 1943 (c) San Francisco Conference in 1945 (d) none of these

14. According to the “floating island” theory, a “floating island” is:
(a) an island within three nautical miles from the coastof a country (b) an island on the high seas, which is not the territory of any particular state (c) a ship bearing the national flag os a state (d) none of these

15.The Security Council is:
(a) Specialized agency of the U.N (b) Principle organ of the U.N (c) N.G.O. for settling disputes between various states (d) none of these

16. In procedural matters, the decisions of the Security Council are made by the affirmative votes of any:
(a) 5 members (b) 9 members (c) 15 members (d) none of these

17. Extradition is normally granted:
(a) in all cases (b) in criminal cases only (c) in civil cases only (d) none of these

18. What is CONTRABAND?
(a) all narcautics (b) articles banned by a government (c) all smuggled goods (d) Goods which may assist an enemy in the conduct of war

19. The term of Judges of the International Court of Justice is:
(a) 3 years (b) 5 years (c) 7 years (d) 9 years

20. A diplomatic agent is immune from local jurisdiction:
(a) in all cases (b) in criminal cases (c) in cases involving personal property (d) none of these