Islamiat CSS Past Papers Organized

Islamic Studies Papers since 1974

1Holy Prophet2020Q. No. 2. Describe the status and grade of “Tolerance and Forgiveness” in the life of the Holly Prophet (PBUH). (20)
2Pious Caliph2020Q. No. 3. Write a comprehensive note on the bravery and juridical wisdom of Hazrat Ali (R.A). (20)
3Holy Prophet2020Q. No. 4. “The last Sermon of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the basic document for awakening of conscious of mankind for human rights”. Discuss. (20)
4Jihad2020Q. No. 5. Discuss in detail the principles and terms and conditins for “Jihad” in the light of Quran and Sunnah. (20)
5Holy Prophet2020Q. No. 6. Analyze the Madina Accord as a “Social Contract” in detail. (20)
6Human Being2020Q. No. 7. “Islam teaches the lesson of human respect and dignity irrespective of colour, race and creed”. Discuss. (20)
7Economic System2020Q. No. 8. “Islamic Financial and Economic system is the solution of the human financial problems”. Discuss. (20)
8Tauheed2019Q. No. 2. Define Tauheed. What is the impact on individual life and society? Elaborate. (20)
9Holy Prophet2019Q. No. 3. Give a general estimate of the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) character in the battlefields as a commander. (20)
10Women Rights2019Q. No. 4. Describe the rights of women in Islam in the context of the current wave of the feminist movement. (20)
11Moral System2019Q. No. 5. Throw light in detail on the moral values system of Islam as a significant feature of Islamic civilization. (20)
12Hajj2019Q. No. 6. Write a comprehensive note on Hajj (the pilgrimage) and its spiritual, moral and social impacts. (20)
13Ummah2019Q. No. 7. Is extremism a challenge to Islam? Discuss in the context of contemporary challenges faced by Muslim Ummah. (20)
14Political System2019Q. No. 8. Give suggestions to reform Pakistani politics keeping in view the different aspects of the political system of Islam. (20)
15Ijtihad2018Q. No. 2. Define Ijtihad, also highlight its contemporary importance in the light of Islamic Fiqh. (20)
16Self purification2018Q. No. 3. What is Self-purification and Ehsan? Explain it in the light of Quran and Sunnah, also describe its individual and collective impacts. (20)
17Terrorism2018Q. No. 4. Point out the motives of terrorism in Pakistan. How can the society get rid of terrorism? (20)
18Public Administration2018Q. No. 5. Highlight the responsibilities of civil servants in the light of Islamic teachings. (20)
19Zakat2018Q. No. 6. Write a comprehensive note on Zakat system of Islam and its spiritual, moral and social impacts. (20)
20Islamic Civilization2018Q. No. 7. Describe, in detail, the basic characteristics of Islamic civilization. (20)
21Holy Prophet2018Q. No. 8. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the prophet of peace and safety. Explain with arguments. (20)
22Zakat2017Q. No. 2. Who is entitled to receive Zakat according to the Quran? Elucidating social impact of Zakat, clarify how can poverty be alleviated with its distribution in Islamic Society?
23Women Rights2017Q. No. 3. Write a comprehensive note on the right of inheritance granted to women by Islam. (20)
24Caliphate2017Q. No. 4. How were the Rightly-guided Caliphs elected? To what extent their system of government be regarded as democratic? (20)
25Holy Prophet2017Q. No. 5. Elucidate how the Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him) exemplified him as the greatest peacemaker in the world by making reconciliation with pagans, Jews and Christians? (20)
26Self purification2017Q. No. 6. Explain the concept of self-purification in light of the Qur’ān and Sunnah and its impact on society. (20)
27Extremism2017Q. No. 7. Enumerate the reasons of extremism in Pakistan and suggest solutions to eradicate it in the light of Islamic teachings. (20)
28Ijma2017Q. No. 8. Define Ijma’ (consensus) and explain its different kinds. Highlight its importance in the light of the Qur’ān and Sunnah. (20)
29Islamic Civilization2016Q. No. 2. What is meant by culture and civilization? Describe the characteristics of Islamic culture. (20)
30Religion2016Q. No. 3. What is the difference between Deen and Religion? Describe the importance of Deen in human life with arguments. (20)
31Holy Prophet2016Q. No. 4. Describe the characteristics of Military strategist in the light of Sirah of Muhammad (PBUH) with arguments. (20)
32Salat2016Q. No. 5. Define the meaning of prayer and its different categories. Also describe the spiritual, moral and social impact of prayers. (20)
33Public Administration2016Q. No. 6. Highlight the concept of Public Administration in Islam. Explain the responsibilities of Civil Servants. (20)
34Political System2016Q. No. 7. Discuss the salient features of Islamic political system in the light of governance under pious Khilafat-i-Rashida. (20)
35Ummah2016Q. No. 8. What are the contemporary challenges of Muslim world? Suggest its solutions in the light of Quran and Sunnah? (20)
36Ummah2015Q. No. 2. explain the concept and structure of Muslim ummah and give suggestions for its revival. (16)
37Jihad2015Q. No. 3. What is the difference between jihad and Fasaad (hostility). Discuss the possibilities of practical application of Quranic concept of Jihad in current international scenario. (16)
38Risalat2015Q. No. 4. The entire faith in the prophethood is unacceptable without faith in the finality of the prophethood. Discuss in the light of Quran and Sunnah. (16)
39Zakat2015Q. No. 5. Highlight the importance of zakat and prove that economic stability of a society can be ensured through its effective implementation. (16)
40Sunnah2015Q. No. 6. Write a comprehensive note on the importance of Sunnah in the interpretation and legislation. (16)
41Wahi2015Q. No. 7. Argue for the supremacy of wahi as a solution of human problems against other sources of knowledge. (16)
42Social System2015Q. No. 8. Stability of modern society depends upon a strong family system in the light of Islamic principles. Discuss. (16)
43Islamic Ideology2015Q. No. 9. Give a comparison of Islamic ideology and modern western thought about present trends of individuality. (16)
44Political System2014Q. No. 2. Discuss the possibilities of establishment of an Islamic state under the present political system of democracy.(20)
45Sunnah2014Q. No. 3. Describe the Islamic concept of peace in the light of Quran and Sunnah. (20)
46Quran2014Q. No. 4. Describe the wisdom of gradual revelation of Quran for Islamic law. (20)
47Social System2014Q. No. 5. Describe the limitations of coexistence and contradictions in the Islamic and western social system. (20)
48Ummah2014Q. No. 6. Describe the status and aim of Islamic Ummah in the light of انتم الاعلون ان کنتم مومنین .
49Wahi2014Q. No. 7. Good combination of the reason (intellect) and Revelation can solve today’s issues of human kind. Discuss. (20)
50Economic System2014Q. No. 8. In the presence of interest based global financial system, discuss the possibility of interest free Islamic financial system.. (20)
51Human Being2013Q.No.2. What is Human Dignity? Explain how Islam recognized it and what efforts have been adopted to maintain the superiority of man? (16)
52Fasting2013Q.No.3 Describe the importance and philosophy of Fasting (SAUM). Also explain its individual and collective benefits? (16)
53Tauheed2013Q.No.4. Define Tauheed (Unity of Allah) in a scholarly manner describing its significance and its effects on human life? (16)
54Jihad2013Q.No.5. What is the significance of “Jihad” in the light of Quran and Sunnah? What are its kinds, principles and conditions? (16)
55Political System2013Q.No.6. Define and explain Judicio-Political System of Islam? (16)
56Ummah2013Q.No.7. write down in detail the problems of “Ummah” in the contemporary world.
57Women Rights2013Q.No.8. Discuss the concept of veil and freedom of women from Islamic point of view while analyzing the law against veil in France. (16)
58Quran2013Q.No.9. The Holy Quran is the fountain-head at all kind of knowledge. Discuss (16)
59Akhirat2012Q.2. What is meant by Day of Judgement? What are its impacts on human life?
60Salat2012Q.3. In the light of ‘Inna-as-Salata-tanha-un-al-fahshai-wal-munkir’, Describe the advantages and effects of prayer?
61Political System2012Q.4. The political system of Islam guarantees the prosperity of State. Discuss.
62Ummah2012Q.5. Describe the concept of modern civilization and its effects on Muslim Ummah.
63Islam2012Q.6. Islam is a complete code of life. Discuss.
64Human Being2012Q.7. Discuss human rights of Islam in the light of the sermon of Hajjatul Wida.
65Economic System2012Q.8. Explain the economical rules of Islam in the light of Social Justice.
66Religion2012Q.9. Describe the necessity and importance of religion for man and its effects on human life.
67Sources of Law2012Q.10. What do you mean by Shariah? Elaborate the different sources of Shariah.
68Quran2012Q.11. Discuss in detail the collection and compilation of Quran.
69Islamic Ideology2011Q.2 To follow an ideal is very necessary for the progress of a nation. In your view what are the basic characteristic of ideal and how Islamic ideology of life affects the individual and communal life with reference to the basic characteristic of Islamic ideology? Elucidate.
70Islamic Civilization2011Q.3 what is meant by civilization and culture and how it effects collective life and also analyzes the foundation of modern civilization and highlights the problems caused by it?
71Women Rights2011Q.4 Discuss the concept of veil and freedom of woman from an Islamic point of view while analyzing the law against veil in France.
72Sources of Law2011Q.5 it is necessary to establish priority of law for the development of society. What is your point of view that today Islamic punishments are regarded as Savagery? While discussing the Islamic philosophy of the reward and punishment also describe the basic characteristic of the Islamic concept of punishments.
73Human Being2011Q.6 It is the period of basic human rights. What is meant by human rights and what is a western concept of human right, discuss human rights of Islam in the light of the sermon of Hajjatul Widah?
74Ummah2011Q.7 In the present period the Muslim Ummah is facing different problems and for the solution of these problems “ijtihad” is necessary, so point out such an institution that can offer a solution of the new problems with the help of Ijtihad.
75Economic System2011Q.8 Discuss in detail the importance of Akle-Halal form Islamic pint of view and explain how unfair resources can be checked in the light of Islamic teachings?
76Ummah2011Q.9 In the present era, Muslim Ummah has all the resources, but it is the victim of disunity, while analysis the reasons of disunity, suggest measures to maintain unity amount the Muslim Ummah.
77Religion2010Q.2 . Differentiate between the Din and Religion. State the important points of Co-existence among Islam and world religions in the present scenario. (16)
78Human Being2010Q.3 . The most important issue of humanity is the recognition of the role and privileges of man. Discuss how Islam may play a role in this regard in today’s scenario. (16)
79Akhirat2010Q.4 . Starting traditional and rational arguments about faith of Resurrection, discuss the role of the faith in establishing an organized society. (16)
80Moral System2010Q.5 . Describing the importance of Ethical values in Islam, write a comparative note on Islamic morality code and Western code. (16)
81Political System2010Q.6 . Keeping in view today’s international Political System, can Shariah be adjusted in the Islamic societies? (16)
82Islamic Civilization2010Q.7 . In the light of Islamic teachings, Faith and Ethics are closely united, in spite of that Islamic societies are in order. Discuss. (16)
83Women Rights2010Q.8 . Keeping in view the requirement of Global Society, determine the freedom and limitations of a Muslim Woman in the light of Islamic teachings. (16)
84Ummah2010Q.9 . In the Globalization area, what role Muslim Ummah can play being custodian of Revealed Knowledge to resolve the complex problems of human kind. (16)
85Quran2009Q.2 Muslims arrange for the recitation and learning of Quran by heart but neglect to understand and practice Quran. What methods can be applied for reformation at the negligence? (16).
86Ummah2009Q.3 Muslim Ummah comprises of one fifth of the total world population, rich in natural resources but laking economic and political stability. Suggest measures for political and economic stability.(16)
87Extremism2009Q.4 Suicidal and valiant attacks have become routine. What is the difference between the two? Suggest reasons for the legitimacy of these attacks.(16)
88Islamic Civilization2009Q.5 Is war knocking at our doors or sophisticated nuclear weapons have made it impossible? The Muslims are facing strong ideological and challenges. In order to meet such challenges, what strategy the Muslims should adopt in your opinion?(16)
89Zakat2009Q.6 In Islam the purpose of zakat is purity of wealth, abolishing poverty, hunger and ignorance but this has not yet been achieved. What practical steps are needed for attaining this end?(16)
90Ijtihad2009Q.7 In order to meet challenges of modern times, there is a need to establish versatile institutions of Ijtihad. What measures would you suggest?(16)
91Islamic Civilization2009Q.8 Islam gives living and dynamic perception of Civilization. What steps do you consider to meet the challenges of Western civilization?(16)
92Extremism2009Q.9 There prevails misconception that aggression could solve our problems but in consequence people all over the world are suffering. What measures do you suggest to rectify the situation?(16)
93Quran2008Q.2. Translate the following verses derived from the last ten Surahs of the Holy Quran. (10) Ten verses have been given to translate.
94Akhirat2008Q.3. Describe the importance of the concept of the “Day of Judgment” and explain the practical results of this notion of the Private and Public life of the people. (14)
95Ijtihad2008Q.4. Ijtihad can play an important role in the establishment of Muslim Ummah and the making of Humanity. Discuss. (14)
96Zakat2008Q.5. Islam pays a lot of stress on the circulation of money. Describe in the light of Zakat system. (14)
97Current Affairs2008Q.6. What do you know about the concept of enlightened moderation? Describe it in its historical perspective. (14)
98Ummah2008Q.7. What is “Motahida Qaumiyat”? What role Jamaluddin Afghani and Allama Muhammad Iqbal played in order to achieve this goal? (14)
99Religion2008Q.8. What moral values are given by the Deen-i-Islam? Can these values be changed keeping in view the western ethical system? (14)
100Human Being2008Q.9. European and Human Rights Activists claim that Islam does not give proper rights to women. What do you say about this statement? (14)
101Islamic Civilization2008Q.10. The world is heading towards the concept of “Clash of Civilizations”. Give your arguments for and against this notion. (14)
102Religion2007Q.2. Despite the scientific and technological advancement, the present society is facing moral decline and mental anarchy. In these circumstances elucidate the importance and effictiveness of Religion.
103Tauheed2007Q.3. Identify the importance of the concept of “Tawheed” and explain the practical results of this principle on the private as well as public aspects of human life.
104Fasting2007Q.4. Define the doctrine of “ROZA” and explain how to achieve the goals of mutual co-operation and collective justice besides the purification of individual soul through the application of this doctrine.
105Quran2007Q.5 The Holy Quran is the fountain-head at all kinds of knowledge” Discuss fully.
106Women Rights2007Q.6. The application of Islamic Shariah is equal to man and woman, however, some injunctions are only related to woman explain.
107Sectarianism2007Q.7 What are the causes and Losses of “sectarian differences” in Pakistan and how this problem r :n be solved in light of Islamic teachings?
108Islamic Civilization2007Q 8. Take into account the steps and pots of the western nations against the Islamic world in the present era and give solid suggestions for their eradication in tile light of Quran and Sunnah.
109Current Affairs2007Q.9 What do u know about the concept of “enlightened moderation” Give your arguments in for and against this notion.
110Ijtihad2006Q. No. 2. Define Ijtihad, also highlight its contemporary importance in the light of Islamic Fiqh. (20)
111Self purification2006Q. No. 3. What is Self-purification and Ehsan? Explain it in the light of Quran and Sunnah, also describe its individual and collective impacts. (20)
112Terrorism2006Q. No. 4. Point out the motives of terrorism in Pakistan. How can the society get rid of terrorism? (20)
113Public Administration2006Q. No. 5. Highlight the responsibilities of civil servants in the light of Islamic teachings. (20)
114Zakat2006Q. No. 6. Write a comprehensive note on Zakat system of Islam and its spiritual, moral and social impacts. (20)
115Islamic Civilization2006Q. No. 7. Describe, in detail, the basic characteristics of Islamic civilization. (20)
116Holy Prophet2006Q. No. 8. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the prophet of peace and safety. Explain with arguments. (20)
117Universe2005Q 2: What is the Islamic concept of creation of the universe ? Are the modern theories about the creation of the universe commensurate with the Islamic point of view? Discuss with reference.
118Ijtihad2005Q 3: a) is Ijtihad is no more practical? explain b) what are required conditions for a mujtahid c)does a learned Muslim have the right of Ijtihad? Discuss its consequences
119Political System2005Q 4: To what extent is the modern political system i.e. democracy in consonance or against Islamic principles? Discuss with reference.
120Terrorism2005Q 5: Suicide attacks have become the norm of the day, particularly in Iraq, Chechneya, and Palestine. The common rationale for such activities reportedly is the persecution of the Muslims by western imperialism and American dominated hegemonic 'world order' under the prevailing circumstances is the phenomenon of suicide attacks justified? give reasons
121Economic System2005Q 6: State guiding principles of the economic system is Islam? how can it be implemented in modern times?
122Moral System2005Q 7: There is a visible decadence in our society due to invasion /influence of liberal western culture. To what extent is it harming our country’s youth and what can be done to arrest this moral decline
123Ummah2005Q.8: In today’s, world, Muslim everywhere are being castigated and condemned by the west as extremists and terrorists having an evil ideology. Muslims are about 1/5th of the world population but they don’t have a collective voice. Do you think the concept of Muslim Umma is viable in today’s world? Discuss
124Women Rights2005Q 9: As per Quranic injunctions and sayings of the Holy Prophet (SAW), hijab is mandatory for Muslim women. The larger percentage of the women in our country are totally oblivious to these Quranic injunctions. Discuss reasons and suggest remedial measures.
125Tauheed20042. Explain the belief of Tawheed in a scholarly manner describing its effects on human life.
126Ummah20043. What is the role and objective of Muslim ummah? how can it contribute to solve its own and world’s problems?
127Ijtihad20044. Describe in detail the four basic sources of Islamic law. Explain ijma and ijtihad specifically.
128Human Being20045. Islam enjoys an exalted place in the religions of the world regarding human dignity moral values and Allah’s vicegerency. Discuss with arguments.
129Hajj20046. All pillars of Islam have philosophy and purpose behind them. Pinpoint fact with special reference to hajj with its individual and collective benefits.
130Women Rights20047. Islam has pinpointed the rights of women and she has been properly regarded in all her capacities in the family. Elaborate comparing the facts with other religions.
131Political System20048. Islam has distinguished status in the judicial-political system. Explain comprehensively.
132Moral System20049. There is a clear relationship in between the morality and faith in concepts of Islamic ethics helping in character building of a nation and generation. Explain.
133Wahi2003When and how the revelation Wahee was started? Write in detail which were the first and last ayat? Explain also the reality of Wahee.
134Islamic Ideology2003Define the religion of Islam. Explain the idea and place of humanity in Islam.
135Akhirat2003Explain with arguments the self-reformation (Islah e Nafs) and construction of moral according to the need and importance of the faith of the day of judgment(Akhirat).
136Sources of Law2003Write on a comprehensive essay on the basic sources of law in Islam.
137Women Rights2003What is the meaning of the freedom of women in Islam? What are the responsibilities of men and women in the building of character of the new generation? Explain in detail.
138Jihad2003Write down a detailed essay on the importance, necessity and different kinds of Jihad in Islam.
139Judicial System2003Explain with arguments the system of Law and Justice of Islam.
140Ummah2003Write down in detail the problems of Ummah in the contemporary world.
141Religion20022. Define religion, also describing its necessity, importance, and kinds by distinguishing between revealed and non-revealed religions.
142Islam20023. Describe the basic beliefs of Islam and also explain that how is Islam reforms the life of individual and society through them?
143Sources of Law20024. While describing in detail the four basic sources of Islamic Law, also explain that MASALIH-E-MURSALA, ISTIHSAN ans URF, are the basic sources of Islamic Law.
144Islamic Civilization20025. Write a detailed note on the problems which Islam is facing in the contemporary world.
145Zakat20026. While defining Zakat, examine its socio-economic significance in Islamic society.
146Women Rights20027. Comparatively, analyze the rights of women in the light of Islam and other religion.
147Moral System20028. Describing the relationship of morality and faith in the concept of Islamic ethics, also explain the Islamic principles and methods of character building.
148Political System20029. Define and explain the judicio-political system of Islam.
149Human Being20012. How does Islam regard humanity? What is the concept of “Khalafat” in Islam?
150Tauheed20013. Define Tauheed (Unity of Allah) in a scholarly manner describing its significance and effects on human life.
151Islam20014. “Islam enjoys as exalted place in the religions of the world”. Elaborate
152Jihad20015. What is the significance of “JIHAD” in the light of Quran and Sunnah? What are its kinds, principles, and conditions?
153Ijtihad20016. Explain in detail the basic sources of “Islamic Law” with special reference to “Ijtihad”.
154Political System20017. Write down a comprehensive essay on the judico-political system of Islam.
155Ummah20018. Describe the role and objectives of Muslim Ummah. How can it contribute to solve the problems of the present world?
156Social System20019. What is the role of man and woman in Islamic society? What are their responsibilities towards character building of new generation?
157Salat20002. Describe the importance and philosophy of prayer also explains its individual and collective benefits.
158Judicial System20003. What is meant by “Justice”? Explain its importance in Islam.
159Economic System20004. Describe the economical responsibilities of State in Islam.
160Caliphate20005. What does Caliphate mean? Enumerate its salient features.
161Islam20006. Describe the dignity and superiority of Islam with proof as compared to other religions.
162Women Rights20007. Write down a comprehensive Essay on the Women’s rights in Islam.
163Other20008. Explain the importance & methodology of preaching, enhancing the characteristics of the preacher.
164Human Being20009. Explain the basic problems of human life and their solution.
165Wahi19992. What is revelation (Wahy)? Describe its different conditions.
166Human Being19993. What is Human Dignity? Explain how Islam recognized it and what efforts have been adopted to maintain the superiority of man?
167Akhirat19994. Why the faith on the ‘Day of Judgment’ is necessary? How it affects the Human life?
168Fasting19995. Describe the importance and philosophy of FASTING (SAUM) also explain its individual and collective benefits.
169Sources of Law19996. Explain in detail the basic source of ‘ISLAMIC LAW’.
170Social System19997. Write down a comprehensive essay on the Role of Man and Woman in Islamic Society.
171Moral System19998. What is meant by ‘MORALITY’? Explain its importance in Islam and point out some important values.
172Judicial System19999. Write down a detailed essay on the ‘Islamic System of Justice’.
173Islamic Ideology19982. What does Islamic Ideology mean? Enumerate it salient features. [18]
174Faith19983. Write a note on the fundamentals of Islamic Faith. [18]
175Sources of Law19984. Describe in detail the main sources of Islamic Law. [18]
176Education19985. Parents, teachers and Aimma-e-Masajid play a decisive role in shaping the character of a student. Discuss. [18]
177Islamic Civilization19986. What do Islamic civilization and culture mean? Discuss. [18]
178Moral System19987. What role Islamic values play in shaping the life of a Man? Discuss. [18]
179Political System19988. Islam has its own political system. Would it work these days? Discuss. [18]
180Public Administration19989. What, in your opinion, are qualities of a good administrator? [18]
181Religion19971. What is the difference between “Deen and Madhab” (Explain the significance and importance of Madhab) on the human life and discuss the main features of Deen-e-Islam.
182Salat19972. Define the philosophy of Salaat and explain its importance in the light of Quran and Sunnah. Also state its impact on the life of an individual and community.
183Risalat19973. What do you understand by Rasalat? In the light of the facts stated in the Holy Quran about Rasaalat describe the main features of Rasaalat-e-Muhammadia (PBUH).
184Sources of Law19974. What is meant by Shariat? Explain its important features and basic sources.
185Moral System19975. In the light of importance and need of ethics in the Islamic Society describe the characteristics of Islamic Ethics.
186Human Being19976. Describe the various methods through which Islam has projected human dignity, and what efforts have been adopted to maintain the superiority of man?
187Judicial System19977. What is meant by Islamic System of Justice? What principles have been set for maintenance and stability of this system?
188Ummah19978. Write a concise and comprehensive note on any TWO of the following: (i) Concept of Islamic Ummah
189Women Rights1997(ii) Woman’s freedom in Islam
190Wahi1997(iii) Divinity and Supremacy of Wahy
191Religion19961. Write a detailed note on Islam, Din and Madhab. What do these terms mean? [20]
192Islam19962. What role do the cardinal principles of Islam play in the daily life of a Muslim? [20]
193Sources of Law19963. What are the sources of Islamic law? Discuss. [20]
194Social System19964. Give salient features of the Islamic social system. [20]
195Islam19965. What method would you suggest for the development of an Islamic mind? [20]
196Public Administration19966. Values play a great role in management and administration. Discuss. [20]
197Holy Prophet19967. What are the salient features of the Prophet’s (PBUH) public administration? [20]
198Ummah19968. Islam is a panacea for the problems that the multinational, multilingual and multiracial community of the world is confronted with. Discuss. [20]
199Quran19951. Write a comprehensive essay on the universality and eternity of the Holy Quran.
200Religion19952. Discuss the need and role of religion in human life, with special reference to Islam.
201Moral System19953. Throw light on the Islamic system of morality and its effective implementation.
202Women Rights19954. “Islam has given enormous freedom to woman.” Discuss.
203Judicial System19955. “Islam gave to the world an ideal judicial system.” Discuss.
204Hajj19956. Throw light on the various important aspects of Hajj.
205Wahi19941. What are man’s cognitive powers? Define their nature and scope and highlight the need of Divine guidance to mankind.
206Universe19942. Give a brief account of the perception about the universe, which a Muslim mind should keep in his mind according to the teachings of the Holy Quran.
207Human Being19943. What do you understand by the phrase “man is a vicegerent of Allah on the earth”. Highlight the major components of a concept.
208Islam19944. What is meant by ‘Ibadah’ in Islam? Critically evaluate the various conception worship of the major religions of the world and compare them with Islamic concept.
209Sources of Law19945. Define the terms Din, Shariat, Fiqah and Ijtihad and highlight the concepts conveyed by these terms.
210Social System19946. Write an explanatory note on the separate role of man and woman and their mutual relationship in an Islamic social structure.
211Political System19947. Point out the institutions of legislation and interpretation of law in Islamic society. Highlight the separate role of each institution in the process.
212Ummah19948. Give a brief sketch of the strategy which, in your view, may lead the Muslim Ummah to develop itself into united and strong block of Muslim countries, highlighting the present scenario of the word situation.
213Judicial System19931. Define social justice and highlight its various aspects, compare and contrast the Islamic and contemporary concept of social justice and suggest the ways and means for its effective implementation in our society.
214Zakat19932. Critically evaluate the law and philossophy of Zakat in Islam, also throw light on the problem of possessor ship in this regard.
215Holy Prophet19933. “The Charter of Madinah was the masterpiece of the Prophet’s (P B U H) polical wisdom. Discuss. Enumerate the various sections of the Charter, deducting constitutional principles. Also bring out its importance for the contemporary soclety.
216Moral System19934. Highlight the Islamic principles and methods of the development of personality and character building. Give suggestions for their effective implementation in the contemporary world.
217Islamic Ideology19935. Define ideology, discuss its role in the creation of strong societies cultures and civilization, throw light on the chief characteristics of Islamic Ideology.
218Ummah19936. Give practical suggestions for the unity, solidarity and progress of Muslim Ummah, the obstructions and hindrances confronted in this regard be pointed out objectively and ways and means for their removal be given.
219Religion19921. What are the basic problems of Man? Assign the role of Wahi (Revelation) in the solution of these problems. Do you believe that Religion is the Natural Need of Man? How can Islam meet and satisfy this Need?
220Risalat19922. What do you mean by Khatm-un-Nabuwwat (the Finality of the Prophethood)? Prove in the light of the Holy Quran and Hadith that Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is the Seal of the Prophets.
221Tauheed19923. Define Tawhid as the fundamental belief of Islam and evaluate its role in formation and development of human personality.
222Fasting19924. Write a detailed note on the socio-economic aspects of Fasting
223Ijma19925. Discuss ljma (Consensus of opinions) as a source of Islamic Shariah in the light of Quran, Hadith and sayings of the Islamic jurists.
224Women Rights19926. Determine the actual position of woman in the Muslim society and her responsibilities to it.
225Moral System19927. Write short notes on the following; (i) Moral Values in Islam
226Holy Prophet1992(ii) Some economic aspects of the Holy Prophet’s (Peace Be Upon Him) life
227Ummah1992(iii) The Role of newly independent Russian Muslim States in Survival and Progress of the Muslim Ummah
228Sources of Law19911. Write down a comprehensive note on the subject-matters of the Quran with particular reference to its status as a fundamental source of Shariah and Islamic Jurisprudence.
229Women Rights19912. (Men are in-charge of women because Allah has made the one of them to excel the other and because they spend off their property (for the support of women) (4:34). Explain the above verse of the Quran and identify the status of men and women in a Quranic society.
230Ummah19913. The Ummah supra national political community of Islam founded by the Prophet of Islam (S A W) about fourteen hundred year ago, is now divided into some fifty independent and sovereign states. Discuss causes of this disintegration and suggest ways and means to bring back unity and integration among the divided Muslim states.
231Wahi19914. Define knowledge and its sources ie., Wisdom and Revelation. Which one do you believe can be adopted to solve day to day problems of the Muslim society?
232Islamic Ideology19915. Describe Islam, its meanings and scope especially its chief characteristics which differentiate it from other religions.
233Tauheed19916. Define and explain the concept of Tauheed in Islam. Do you think that strict adherence to this concept emancipates an individual as well as the society from the Gods of materialism.
234Jihad19917. Elucidate the Doctrine of Jehad in Islam. Do you agree that the survival of the Muslims in the modern world depends on the following of this Doctrine against the un-Islamic forces.
235Zakat19918. Describe the obligations of Zakat Administration especially the collection and distribution of the funds of Zakat. Is it possible to retain original simplicity and efficiency of the administrative system and keep it free of corruption under the present bureaucracy? Support your answers with solid arguments.
236Wahi1990Q1. How will you prove that the human intellect alone cannot solve the basic problems of human life without the proper guidance of "Wahi (the Divine Revelation?
237Islam1990Q2 "Islam, and not any other religion gives us a complete practical code of life which embraces all aspects of human life. Discuss.
238Risalat1990Q3 Write a comprehensive note on "Finality of the Prophethood" in the light of the Quran Hadith and the opinions of the recognized Muslim scholars.
239Zakat1990Q4. Define Zakat literally and technically. Discuss the eight heads of Masarf Thamaniya of Zakat, and thus show, how it fights out poverty and need from the Islamic society?
240Sunnah1990Q5 Sunnah is key to the proper understanding of the commandments of the Quran, and guide to the implementation of the principles and laws enunciated in ir in the light of this fact, discuss the importance of Sunnah as a source of Islamic Shariah
241Women Rights1990Q6. Determine the actual place of woman in Islamic social order. Can a woman presume the office of the head of the Islamic State in the presence of men who are well-versed in state crafts?
242Ummah1990Q7. How can the Muslim Ummah guide the present world which is full of disorder corruption, class conflict and the economic inequalities?
243Salat1990Q8. Write short notes on any two of the following: (i) Social importance of Salat (Obligatory prayer)
244Judicial System1990(ii) Supremacy of the judicial system of Islam
245Akhirat1990(iii) Effects of belief in the Day of Judgment on the individual's life.
246Wahi1989Q1. "Human intellect alone cannot solve the basic problems of human life in the true sense without the guidance of Divine Revelation." Discuss in the light of the Holy Quran and Sunnah.
247Islam1989Q2. "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam never will it be accepted of him, Explain to substantiate Islam as the only natural code of life which ensures peace and security for the universal humanity.
248Universe1989Q3. Explain the Islamic concept of universe and the status of Man in it as determined by the Islamic Ideology of life.
249Akhirat1989Q4. What are the practical effects of the belief in Hereafter on the individual and social human life? Why is it considered imperative in the fundamental beliefs of Islam?
250Fasting1989Q5. State the philosophy of worships in Islam and elaborate the basic importance of Fasting as the means for self-restraint and moral development.
251Salat1989Q6. What is the true functions and status of Mosque in the social, moral and educational uplift of the Muslim society?
252Ijtihad1989Q7. Define ljtehad and elucidate its significance as a source of law in Islamic Legal System.
253Sources of Law1989OR Explain the legal status of Sunnah as the second source of Islamic Law.
254Women Rights1989Q8. Give a detailed account of the social status, freedom and rights of woman granted by Islam as enunciated by the Holy Quran and Sunnah.
255Wahi1988Q1. Identify the sources of knowledge and explain the divinity and supremacy of Wahy (revelation).
256Tauheed1988Q2. Write down the Quranic arguments regarding the Existence of God and compare the concept of Tauheed in Islam with the concepts of other religions.
257Zakat1988Q3. Discuss the economic importance of Zakat and explain how the poverty can be eliminated with the implementation of Zakat system?
258Hajj1988Q4. Explain the importance of Hajj and define its aims and objects.
259Sources of Law1988Q5. What are the sources of Islamic Shariat? Write a comprehensive note on each of these Sources
260Moral System1988Q6. What do you understand by ((morality)? Describe the principles of character building in Islam.
261Public Administration1988Q7. Explain the concept of accountability in Islam in the light of the following tradition of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). Everyone of you is a ruler and everyone of you is accountable for the action of those who are under his rule).
262Pakistan1988Q8. What do you mean by ideology of Pakistan? Explain, how far its requirements have been fulfilled?
263Religion1987Q1. What do you understand by Deen? Distinguish between the Western and Islamic concept of Deen, and describe in detail the importance and necessity of Deen in the world today.
264Human Being1987Q2. Describe the various methods through which Islam has projected the dignity of man. What efforts have been adopted to maintain his superiority?
265Risalat1987Q3. Describe the necessity and importance of Prophethood and state the characteristics of Prophets in the light of Quran and Sunnah.
266Salat1987Q4. Salaat occupies a unique position in all the worships of Islam. Define the doctrine of Salaat and explain its impact on the life of an individual as well as community.
267Sunnah1987Q5. Deen cannot be considered complete without Hadith. Explain with the reference to Quran and Sunnah.
268Ummah1987Q6. What are the main causes of downfall of the Muslim Ummah? Give remedial suggestions for its revival.
269Economic System1987Q7. What are moral, social and economic disadvantages of Interest? State, how an interest free economy can be developed in the society?
270Economic System1987Or Viability of a state can be judged by its economic stability. Discuss and state the fundamental principles of Islamic Economic system.
271Tauheed1987Q8. Write concise notes on any Two of the following: (i) Oneness of God (Tauheed)
272Fasting1987(ii) Fasting (Saum)
273Women Rights1987(iii) Concept of women’s freedom in Islam
274Religion1986Q1. Despite the scientific and technological advancement, the present society is facing moral decline and mental anarchy. In these circumstances, elucidate the importance and effectiveness of Religions and explain how to solve these problems in the light of basic principles of Quran and Sunnah.
275Tauheed1986Q2. Identify the importance of the concepts of “Towheed” and “Risalat” and explain the practical result of these principles on the private as well as the public aspects of the human life.
276Akhirat1986Q3. What do you know about the Islamic concept of the “Hereafter? Discuss in detail how far one can expect reforms and changes in the daily life of this materialistic world by total acceptance of this concept.
277Zakat1986Q4. Define the doctrine of “Zakat” and explain how to achieve the goals of mutual cooperation and collective justice besides the purification of individual soul, through the application of this doctrine.
278Islam1986OR In the world of today, mankind is facing acute social and economic problems such as discrimination on the basis of colour and creed and economic exploitation. What is the Islamic solution of these problems in your opinion?
279Moral System1986Q5. (Verily in the messenger of Allah ye have a good example). In the light of this Quranic verse, explain in detail the Islamic concept of morality and character building of individuals.
280Education1986Q6. What is the importance of Education in an Islamic society? Write down comprehensive note on the history and contribution of Muslims in the Indo-Pak Subcontinent in this field.
281Ummah1986Q7. Explain the Quranic concept of “United Ummah” and discuss the burning problem challenging the unity of Muslim World today and suggest solutions to overcome them.
282Pakistan1986Q8. What do you mean by the “Ideology of Pakistan”? Discuss the ways and means of implementation of this Ideology.
283Faith1985Q1. Enumerate the articles of faith in Islam and state their effects on the practical life of a Muslim.
284Sunnah1985Q2. 0 ان القرآن اجہ ج إلى السنت من الستنالى القران (Verily Quran is more in need of Sunnah, than Sunnah is in need of the Holy Quran) State the importance of Hadith as a second source of Islamic law in the light of this statement.
285Human Being1985Q3. “Islam wants to establish such a society as is based on equality of men, social and honesty in dealings”. Explain, why and how?
286Holy Prophet1985Q4. Even the orientalists admit that “Rasulullah (Salallaho Alayhe Wasallam) was the tallest tree in the garden of humanity”. Explain this statement with examples to prove that Rasulullah (Salallaho Alayhe Wasallam) was a ‘Perfect man’.
287Moral System1985Q5. (Verily in the messenger of Allah ye have a good example). In the light of this Quranic verse, explain in detail the Islamic concept of morality and character building of individuals.
288Caliphate1985Q6. The period of Khulafa Rashiden (the rightly guided Caliphs Radi Allah Anhum) serves as a lighthouse for “administration with justice and simplicity”. Explain.
289Ummah1985Q7. Which in your opinion is the most burning problem of the Muslim Ummah today? What efforts have been made so far and what do you suggest more to be done in this regard from Islamic point of view?
290Quran1985Q8. Write short note on any TWO of the following: (i) Services rendered by Hazrat Usman (R.A) for the Compilation of the Holy Quran
291Salat1985(ii) Social philosophy (advantages) of Salat (Daily Obligatory prayer)
292Holy Prophet1985(iii) Khatm-e-Nabuwwat (Finality of Prophethood)
293Holy Prophet1985(iv) Consequences of Ghazwa Badar on the influence of Islam.
294Education1985(v) Role of Dar-al-Ulum Deoband in the independence of Sub-continent.
295Faith1984Q1. Enumerate the Articles of Faith in Islam and show the impact of the belief in the Life of Hereafter on man’s individuals and social life?
296Salat1984Q2. (a) Describe the moral and social advantages of Prayer (b) What is meant by ‘Sajda Sahwe and ‘Sajda Tilawat’ and how are they performed?
297Quran1984Q3. Write down the chief characterlstics of the Holy Quran and compare it with other Revealed Scriptures.
298Sources of Law1984Q4. Write a comprehensive note on the need and importance of Hadith and show its relationship with the Holy Quran.
299Caliphate1984Q5. Give a brief life-sketch and achievements of Caliphs Umar-bin-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him)
300Zakat1984Q6. What are the Islamic principle of earning and spending of wealth? How far is their application possible in the modern industrial age.
301Public Administration1984Q7. (Everyone of you is a ruler and everyone of you is accountable for the actions of those who under his rules.) Explain the concept of Accountability in Islam in the light of the above Hadith.
302Zakat1984Q8. Write short notes on any Four of the following: (a) Heads of Expenditure of Zakat
303History1984(b) Battle of Khayber (c) Pledge of ‘Aqaba (d) Mu’tazilites (e) Baytal-Hikma (f) As-Saffahs
304Tauheed1983Q1. Write short notes on TAUHEED (Unity of Allah), ‘RISALAT (Prophet hood) and AKHIRAT (Life after Death). Also explain what are the effects of these faiths on practical life on a person.
305Holy Prophet1983Q2. Describe main points of KHUTBA-E-HAJJATUL WIDA’ and explain that it is a manifesto for the mankind.
306Caliphate1983Q3. How was the period of Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz (RA) different from other Caliphs of Umayyad’s period? Give a comparative review.
307Ummah1983Q4. What are the current problems of Muslim World? What suggestions do you have in mind to establish long-lasting Unity among Muslim Countries in the present area.
308Social System1983Q5. Islamic Society is based on clear and just distribution of social responsibilities between man had woman. What are these responsibilities? Give a detailed review.
309Islam1983Q6. Islam is a perfect and comprehensive system of life which covers all aspects of human life. Discuss.
310Quran1983Q7. What are the service rendered by the Khulafa-e-Rashideen, particularly Hazrat Usman (RA) in connection with complication of Holy Quran in the form of a Book? Explain fully.
311History1983Q8. Write shorts note on the following: (a) Hijrat-e-Habshah (b) Sulh-e-Hudaibia (c) Ghazwa-e-Khandaq (d) Fath-e-Makkah
312Tauheed1982Q1. Write a comprehensive essay on the concept and spirit of Tauheed in Islam.
313Holy Prophet1982Q2. Enumerate the important clauses of the Treaty of Medina (Mithaq e Medina) and throw light on the significance of this character.
314History1982Q3. Write a critical note on the administration of Abbasids.
315Science1982Q4. Discuss in details the attitude of Islam towards Science.
316Social System1982Q5. Throw light on the concept of social justice in Islam and its application in our society.
317Women Rights1982Q6. Enumerate the rights and obligations of women in Islam.
318Education1982Q7. Write a comprehensive essay on the system of Education in Islam.
319Zakat1981Q2. Write a note on the institution of Zakat, showing how far this institution can solve the economic problems of Muslims Society.
320Quran1981Q3. “Holy Quran is the fountain-head of all kind of knowledge. Discuss fully.
321Holy Prophet1981Q4. Prove that the Hijrat is the turning point in the History of Islam.
322Science1981Q5. Give a brief account during of the services rendered by the Muslim scholars in the field of science during the days of Abbasids of Baghdad.
323Akhirat1981Q6. Enumerate the Articles of Faith in Islam, showing the influence of the Belief in LIFE AFTER DEATH on the character of the believers.
324History1981Q7. Write short notes on any four on any of the following: (a) Battle of Badar (b) Position of women in Islam c) Rights and Duties (d) Sheikh Ahmed Fanugi Sirhindi (e) Finality of Prophet hood (f) Revelations
325Islam1981Q8. “This day have I perfected your religions for you and completed my favour upon you and have chosen for you islam as your Religion. Wnite a brief note on Islam as perfect Religion in the light of this verse of the Holy Quran.”
326Caliphate1981Q9. Describe the important events that took place in the days of the First Caliph Abu Bakar.
327Tauheed1980Q1. “La illaha Illalaho Muhammad ur Rasul Allah” (There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah). Discuss.
328Hajj1980Q2. “Hajj not only strengthens the faith of Islam but also serves as means of unifying the Muslim world”. Discuss.
329Holy Prophet1980Q3. The truce of Hudaybia is called an open victory in the Holy Quran. Elucidate.
330Caliphate1980Q4. Describe the chief characteristics of the Khilafat-i-Rashideen (The Pious Caliphate).
331History1980Q5. Evaluate the contribution of Omayyads of Damascus to the growth and consolidation of the Muslim power in the East.
332History1980Q6. Describe the cultural and literal achievements of the Abbasids.
333History1980Q7. Give a brief account of the conquest of Sind by Muhammad bin Qasim and its effects on the Indo-Pakistan Sub-continent.
334Economic System1980Q8. Explain the significance of the following Quranic Verses: (a) Do goods; for God loveth those who do good. (b) Waste not by excess, for God not loveth the wasters
335Short Notes1980Q9. Write short notes on any Four of the following (a) Revelation (b) Duty towards Allah (c) Waqf (d) Marriage (e) Usury (f) Ikhwanussafa (g) Jamaluddin Afghani
336Holy Prophet1979Q1. Examine the sublime position of Rasul Allah on the basis of the following Quranic Verses: (a) Say: If you want to love Allah (PBUH), obey me (Muhammad). (b) And Last of the Anbia. (c) Uswatun hasanatun. (d) One who obeys Rasul (as if) he actually obeys Allah (e) Rahmatul-Lil-Alamin
337Caliphate1979Q2. Though the Khilafa Abu Bakar (RA) lasted for only two and a half years from religious, social, political and military point of view it had far reaching consequences. Explain.
338History1979Q3. How and with what means did the Umayyads of Damascus establish the universal unitary Khilafa in the three continents within a short period of ninety years?
339History1979Q4. In how many branches of learning did the Muslims of Spain write the brightest chapters of human history? Give a brief outline.
340Ummah1979Q5. It is claimed that throughout the centuries the unifying forces of Muslim Ummah in the Indo-Pak Sub-Continent were also (apart from religion) social, cultural, political and historical. Discuss.
341Tauheed1979Q6. Explain the significance of any Two of the following Quranic Verses: (a) Enter into Allah’s submission in totality (b) “Your Allah is Wahid Allah” (c) “And all are to return unto Him”
342Short Notes1979Q7. Write short Notes on any Four of the following: (a) Pledges of Aqaba (b) The Final Messages of Rasul Allah (BPUH) (c) Salab Uddin Ayyubi (d) Hafiz Imam ibn Taimiyah (e) Shah Waliullah (f) Jamaluddin Afghani
343Human Being1979Q8. Discuss in detail the conception of state and khilafa in Islam.
344Economic System1979Q9. How can the demands of 20h Century be reconciled with the everlasting economic and social system of Islam?
345Fasting1978Q1. What is the importance and significance of Roza (fasting) in Islamic Ideology?
346Tauheed1978Q2. Comment, “You God is One God; there is no God save Him the beneficent, the Merciful.”
347Ummah1978Q3. Elucidate the following, “You are the best community that hath been raised up for mankind. Ye enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency, and ye believe in Allah.”
348Zakat1978Q4. Discuss the religious and social importance of Zakat.
349Caliphate1978Q5. Write down the life sketch and achievements of any one of the last two pious caliphs.
350Women Rights1978Q6. What is the status of women in Islam? Discuss.
351Short Notes1978Q7. Write short Notes on any Four of the following: (a) Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) (b) Bondage in Islam (c) Divorce (d) Baghdad (e) Mu’tazila (f) Jalaluddin Romi (g) Ikhwanussafa (the brethren of purity) (h) Imam Ghazali (RA)
352Islamic Civilization1978Q8. Does Islam offers solutions to the problems of the present world? Discuss.
353Short Notes1977Q1. Write short notes on any Five of the following: (a) Jerusalem (b) Hazrat Hasan(RA) (c) Treaty of UQBA (d) Conquest of Egypt by Hazrat Amar-bin-Aas (e) Bride (f) Fate of the Spanish Muslim (g) Dress for Pakistan (h) Islam in America
354Holy Prophet1977Q2. Describe any Three important events of the life of the Prophet (PBUH) after Hijra.
355Human Being1977OR Comment “Man is meant to rule the force of nature and the whom, therefore, the power of vicegerency is delegated.”
356Quran1977Q3. Read the undernoted passage and answer the questions given below: “This is the book (of God) where of there is no doubt-guidance unto those who fear Allah’s displeasure, who believe in the existence of what cannot be perceived and perform As Salat in an organised manner and spend on (good causes) out of that with which we have provided them.” (a) Does the Quran provide guidance to all and sundry? (b) What are the requirement for the understand of the Quran? (c) What is meant by “What cannot be perceived”? (d) Define As-Salat. (e) Explain Spend (on good causes) out of that with which we have provided them.
357Caliphate1977OR Write down the life-sketch and achievements of anyone of the first two pious Caliphs.
358History1977Q4. Describe the causes, events and results of the downfall of the Ottoman Empire.
359Economic System1977Q5. Compare the important features of communism with Islamic economic system.
360Pakistan1977OR What were the main causes which gave rise to Pakistan Movement?
361Short Notes1976Q1. Write short notes on any Four of the following: (a) Treaty of Madina; (b) Hoarding; (c) Kofa; (d) Insurance and Islam; (e) Secularism, (f) Jamuluddin Afghani.
362Ummah1976Q2. There is no superiority in an Arab over a non-Arab, no is a non-Arab over an Arab and the best one among you is the one who is most righteous.” How far in your opinion this concept of equality has been adopted by Muslim and mankind in general.
363Religion1976OR Religion is the opium of the people Is this true of Islam also? Discuss.
364Holy Prophet1976Q3. Comment briefly on any three books you have read on the Seer at of the Prophet.
365Sunnah1976OR Elucidate Ibn-e-Shahab Zuhri’s following statement. “The knowledge Hazrat Ayisha (RA) possessed far excels in quality and quantity, the knowledge of all the lady transmitters of Hadith put together.”
366History1976Q4. Give a general review of Spain under the Arabs.
367Jihad1976OR Describe the Jihad movement of the ulema in the Sub-continent. How did it help the war of independence in 1857?
368History1976Q5. The reign of Haroon-ar-Rasheed is called the “Golden Period” of the Abbassid Caliphate. Give reasons.
369History1976OR Describe the greatness of Sultan Salahuddin with particular reference to his strength of character, military skill and administrative capabilities.
370Faith1975Q1. Write a detailed note on the Cardinal Articles of Faith in Islam.
371Zakat1975Q2. What is the importance and significance of Zakat in Islamic ideology?
372Caliphate1975Q3. How did Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) manage to overcome the problems during his caliphate?
373Women Rights1975Q4. “Islam alone come forward with the honour and dignity of woman in society.” Discuss.
374Sources of Law1975Q5. “Sunnah is second fundamental source of Islamic Law.” Elucidate.
375Economic System1975Q6. “Economic system of Islam is only answer to our economic problems.” Discuss.
376Quran1975Q7. “Holy Quran is a complete code of life. Discuss in detail.
377Quran1975Q8. Give a detailed account of compilation of Holy Quran.
378Holy Prophet1975Q9. “Hijrah is the most important turning point in the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).” Discuss.
379Ummah1975Q10. “Islam is the only uniting force for Muslim Community throughout the world. Give your answer.
380Salat1974Q1. What is the importance and significance of Namaz in Islamic ideology?
381Hajj1974Q2. Discuss the social and political significance of Haj.
382Risalat1974Q3. Do you believe in Finality of Prophet hood? Give arguments for your belief.
383Holy Prophet1974Q4. Write a detailed not on the Truce of Hudaibia.
384Caliphate1974Q5. How were the first four Caliphs elected? Can we frame any law for the Election of the Head of Islamic State in light of Their Election?
385Holy Prophet1974Q6. Holy Quran is the most authentic biography of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).” Discuss.
386Economic System1974Q7. What measures does Islam suggest to eradicate poverty from society?
387Economic System1974Q8. Islam is against Concentration of Wealth. Elaborate in the light of Quran and Sunnah
388Women Rights1974Q9. Is polygamy permissible in Islam? If so, under what circumstance?
389Islamic Civilization1974Q10. Does islam offer solution of the great world problems of this age?