Islamic History and Culture CSS Paper I 2010

Federal public service commission
Competitive examination for
Recruitment to posts in BPS-17 under
The federal government, 2010
Islamic History and Culture,Paper- I

TIME ALLOWED Part-I 30: Minutes Maximum Marks 20

Part-II: 2 hours & 30 Minutes Maximum marks 80

Part – I ( MCQ)

Q.1. select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the answer sheet.(20)

i- Arabia is a largest tract of country in the of Asia.
(a) South East (b) South West (c) North East (d) None of these

ii- is called in Arab tradition “Year of the elephant”
(a) 650A.C (b) 560AC (c) 570AC (d) None of these

iii-ANSAR means
(a) defender (b) helper (c) rular (d) None of these

iv-The ninth year of the Hijra is known in Muslim history as the
(a) Year of elephant (b) year of deputations (c) year of embassies (d) None of these

v-In 14 Hijri/635 AD laid the foundation of Basra
(a) Hazrat Umar (b) Khalid bin Walid (c) Uthban bin Ghazwan (d) None of these

vi-Hazrar Usman was assassinated in the month of
(a) Ramzan (b) rajab (c) Zulhija (d) None of these

vii-Hazrat Khalid bin walid belonged to the tribe of
(a) Hashim (b) Umayyah (c) Makhzum (d) None of these

viii- The city of FUSTAT was founded by
(a) Amr bin Al-As (b) Hazrat Umar bin Khattab (c) Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (d) None of these

ix-KHARAJ is
(a) poor tax (b) land tax (c) poll tax (d) None of these

x- was the first caliph, who addicated the caliphate
(a) Hazrat Ali (b) Hazrat Hassan (c) Hazrat Hussain (d) None of these

xi- The tomb of Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari is situated at
(a) Ankara (b) Madina (c) Istanbul (d) None of these

xii-The first capital of Abbasid Caliphate was
(a) Al-Hashmiyah (b) Samrah (c) Baghdad (d) None of these

xiii-Ibne-e-Kahldun was a famous historian of century
(a) 15th (b) 14th (c) 13th (d) None of these

xiv- DIWAN AL HISBAH was instituted by
(a) Mahdi (b) Hadi (c) Harun (Not sure) (d) None of these

xv- IDRISI was a famous
(a) Musician (b) poet (c) Geographer (d) None of these

xvi-SIYASAT NAMA was written by
(a) Firdausi (b) Masudi (c) Madwardi (d) None of these (Nizam al-Mulk)

xvii-Tulunid Dynasty was founded by Ahmad ibn Tulun in
(a) Khurasan (b) Syrea (c) Iraq (d) None of these (Egypt)

xviii- the capture of Baghdad by Halaku Khan took place in the year
(a) 1285 (b) 1258 (c) 1271 (d) None of these

xix- Constantinople fell into the hands of the Muslims in
(a) 1453 (b) 1543 (c) 1354 (b) None of these

xx-With the Othman empire reached its zenith of glory and prestige
(a) Bayazid (b) Muhammad II (c) Salim I (d) None of these

Q2-Point out the major world civilizations at the dawn of Islam, with special emphasis on their intellectual activities and socio-political institutions.

Q3-HIJRAH was the turning point in the history of islam.Discuss.

Q4-Teachings of the Holy Prophet laid the foundations of a new and revolutionary world order. Comment.

Q5-In what respect Islamic political system is different from western secular democracy, theocracy and monarchy?

Q6- Give a critical study of the causes and consequences of the political and ideological differences raised after the assassination of Hazrat Usman Ghani?

Q7-Write essay on Any One of the following

i- Baghdad under early Abbasids

ii- Philosophical progress of the Muslims during the Abbasid period.

Q8- Critically evaluate the ottomans administrative reforms with special reference to TANZIMAT.