Political Science CSS Paper I 2008


Political science- Paper-I

(PART-II) 2 Hours & 30 Minutes MAXIMUM MARKS:80


Q.1 Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the answer sheet.

(1) “Justice as treating equals equally and un equals unequally” who said this:
(A) Aristotle
(B) J.S.Mill
(C) T.H.Green
(D) None of these

(2) Which of the following are elements of Marxism?
(A) Concept of surplus value
(B) Dialectical Materialism
(C) The doctrine of class struggle
(D) none of these

(3) The concept of ‘legal sovereignty’ was for the first time given by:
(A) Hobbes (B) Locke
(C) Bentham (D) None of these

(4) The natural rights of the people according to Locke are:
(A) Right to life, liberty, and property
(B) Right to self-preservation and right to property
(C) Right to life and equality and the right to property
(D) None of these.

(5) The welfare theory believes that the state is:
(A) Means
(B) An end
(C) An organism
(D) None of these

(6) Which of the following is incorrect about Plato’s views on Communism of Wives?
(A) Plato considers family as a stumbling block
(B) Abortion was strictly prohibited
(C) There should be a state-controlled to get a nation perfect in body and mind
(D) None of these

(7) Aristotle was a famous student of:
(A) Anaxagoras
(B) Hermes
(C) Socrates
(D) None of these

(8) Plato wrote the famous book:
(A) Leviathan
(B) The Republic
(C) The clouds
(D) None of these

(9) “The end of Politics is not knowledge but action” who said it:
(A) Plato
(B) Aristotle
(C) Montesquieu
(D) None of these

(10) When did Machiavelli die?
(A) 1469 AD
(B) 1527 AD
(C) 1523 AD
(D) None of these

(11) Machiavelli was by birth?
(A) French
(B) German
(C) Spanish
(D) None of these

(12) The concept of justice in the sense of greatest happiness of the greatest number was postulated by:
(A) Mark
(B) James Mill
(C) Spencer
(D) None of these

(13) Liberal Democracy means:
(A) Government by majority
(B) Government by people
(C) Limited majority rule
(D) None of these

(14) The doctrine of proportionate equality was pronounced by:
(A) Aristotle
(B) Rousseau
(C) Marx
(D) None of these

(15) The distinction between Real Will and Actual Will was made by:
(A) Green
(B) Bosanquet
(C) Rousseau
(D) None of these

(16) “Two treatises on Civil Government” was written by:
(A) Thomas Hobbes
(B) Montesquieu
(C) John Locke
(D) None of these

(17) Who belongs to Shafite school of Fiqha:
(A) Al-Mawardi
(B) AL-Ghazali
(C) Al-Farabi
(D) None of these

(18) Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi served as Prime Minister of the:
(A) Seljuk empire
(B) Roman empire
(C) Turkish empire
(D) None of these

(19) Ahya-ul-Uloom is the work of:
(A) AL-Ghazali
(B) Al-Mawardi
(C) Ibn-Khaldun
(D) None of these

(20) Allama Iqbal delivered his famous Allahabad address in:
(A) 1930
(B) 1929
(C) 1928
(D) None of these

Part 2

Q.2. ” Plato intended to build an institution for the scientific study of politics and training of statesman” elaborate

Q.3. Explain the following.
(1) “Life in the state of nature was nasty, poor, brutish and short.” (Hobbes)
(2) “The natural rights of men are right to live, liberty and property”.(Locke)

Q.4. How far is it true to say that Ibn-e-Khaldun perhaps was the first philosopher to realize the relevant importance of economics to politics? Argue.

Q.5. State the grounds on which Mill advocated the freedom of an individual’s conduct. What limitations did he apply to this freedom?


Q.6.”Liberty is described as the power to do or enjoy something that is worth doing or enjoying in common with others.” In light of the above statement discuss the significance of liberty in contemporary societies.

Q.7. Examine in detail the principal advantages and disadvantages of parliamentary over the presidentail form of government.

Q.8.In what circumstances might a democratic country turn to military dictatorship or totalitarian rule.?