Psychology CSS Paper I 1995
Psychology, Paper I
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No. 8, which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.
1 Give a comparative account of various Methods of Psychology with particular reference to their relative effectiveness, economy and reliability of results.
2 Describe and explain the role of Autonomic Nervous System in maintaining the equilibrium during emotions.
3 What is Conditioning? Describe the role of Primary (major) and Secondary determinants in shaping the desired behaviour.
4 How do Learning and Motivation affect Perception? Describe some of the important parameters of perception.
5 What dominant social factors play important role in the grooming of personality? Describe the steps which might be taken to regulate the desired outcome.
6 Elucidate different types of Motives and describe the role of secondary motives in the day-to-day living of an individual.
7 What is Group-dynamics? Elaborate upon the basic factors which determine In-group and out-group feelings.
8 Select and mark the best correct answer out of the given four choices for each of the following Items:
(i) In Moslow’s theory of personality, the main concept is that of: (a) junctional autonomy; (b) acquired drive; (c) self-actualization; (d) interpersonal relations.
(ii) The non-directive approach characterizes: (a) client-centered therapy (b) hypnosis (c) behaviour modification; (d) psychoanalysis.
(iii) A test which predicts now an individual is likely to respond in different situations is called: (a) a Personality test; (b) an Aptitude test; (c) an Achievement test; (d) an Intelligence test.
(iv) The movement of psychological measurement has been greatly influenced by: (a) studies of individual differences; (b) development of Experimental psychology (c) clinical studies of maladjusted individuals (d) all of the above.
(v) The Rorschach technique originated in: (a) Psychological Laboratory (b) German Military Psychology; (c) Clinical work with psychiatric patients: (d) Psychological theories.
(vi) A Social psychologist interested in determining the current cultural patterns would primarily focus on: (a) Field studies; (b) Naturalistic observations; (c) Anthropological studies; (d) Experimentation.
(vii) Psychosomatic disorders are best illustrated by: (a) depression caused by T.B; (b) overeating; (c) asthma caused by anxiety (d) neurotic anxiety.
(viii) The Semantic Differential Scale is used mainly to measure: (a) Attitudes; (b) Interests; (c) Values; (d) Opinions
(ix) The first systematic description of the free association technique was given by: (a) Jung (b) Wundt (c) Rorschach; (d) Galton
(x) The famous May & Hartshorn has revealed that: (a) children of progressive schools cheat more; (b) girls cheat less than boys; c) children with religious orientation are more honest; (d) no one honesty test can make an accurate prediction