Psychology CSS Paper I 1998

Psychology, Paper I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No. 8, which is Compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

1 Elucidate the points of superiority claimed by the Experimental method over other methods used for data collection in Psychology.

2 Describe the role of the Central Nervous System in coordinating the functions of various vital organs in human body.

3 What dominant social factors play important role in the grooming of personality? Discuss the steps which might be taken to regulate the desired outcome.

4 Critically evaluate the theories of Motivation offered by Maslow Levin and Freud.

5 Define Socialization and describe as to how and what factors take leading role in bringing about a social change.

6 What is meant by Group Dynamics? Give a comprehensive account of core parameters which determine the in-group and out-group feelings?

7 Describe Conditioning and highlight the role of primary and secondary determinants of conditioning in shaping the desired behaviour.

8 Select and write the best correct answer out of the given four choices for each of the following items:

(i) With increased number of reinforcements: (a) the amplitude of CR to the original CS tends to increase at first (b) the amplitude or CR to stimuli similar to the original CS ends to increase at first;
(c) both (a) and (b) are true but the rate of increase differs for the two; (d) none of the above

(ii) As non-reinforced responses continue to be elicited in conditioning: (a) extinction occurs; (b) spontaneous recovery occurs (c) the amplitude of CR increases (d) All of the above.

(iii) In depicting the course of successful learning by plotting errors against trials, we will find: (a) a positive slope for the overall curve (b) a negative slope for the overall curve; (c) a zero or horizontal slope for the overall Curve; (d) sometimes ‘a and sometimes ‘b’ depending upon the nature of the problem involved.

(iv) The term “reinforcement refers to the pairing of: (a) CS & US (b) CR & UR; (c) US & UR; (d) CS &CR.

(v) The autonomic nervous system is divided into two parts. These are: (a) voluntary and involuntary (b) cerebrospinal and cortical (c) thalamus and hypothalamus; (d) sympathetic and parasympathetic.

(vi) The part of nervous system which is built for widespread discharge to many visceral organs is the: (a) sympathetic; (b) cerebrospinal (c) parasympathctic, (d) ventromedial.

(vii) Difficulties in the measurement of motives stems from the fact that: (a) the measurements must be direct (b) aroused motives tend to occur singly rather than in concert with others;
(c) the act of measurement tends to change the motive (d) All of the above.

(viii) The approach-approach conflict involves: (a) a stable equilibrium; (b) an unstable equilibrium; (c) an oscillation of ‘a’ and ‘b; (d) neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’.

(ix) The main types of instigators of motives: (a) tend to interact; (b) tend to function independently of one another (c) have little to do with the ‘thoughts’ of the person: (d) are solely concerned with external stimuli.

(x) Narcissism refers to: (a) feelings of personal inadequacy; (b) feeling of self-love; (c) a tendency to envy other people; (d) a tendency to experience moods of self-justification