Sociology KP PMS Syllabus


Total Marks – 100

1. Individual, culture and society: Individual as a social product. The variety of social forms, methods of socialization, ethnocentrisms, norms and values, cultural patterns, varieties of sub-cultures

2. Sociological theory: The sociological perspectives – Evolutionary, order and conflict, evolutionary theorists – Ibn-i-Khaldun, Spencer and Tannis. Order theorists – August Comte, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber. Conflict theorists – George Hegel, Karl Marx, Lewis Coser, Mills

3. Methods of sociological research: Research design, surveys, participant observation, experiments, case studies

4. Social interaction: Significance of social classes, forms of social classes – tribes, biradaris, castes, classes and feudal system in Pakistan. Social mobility – nature of social mobility. Mobility determinants in Pakistan society, social immobility, culture in poverty

5. Social control: Mechanism of social control – internal and external means of social control. Alienation, integration – integrative patterns in Pakistani society

6. Social and cultural change and social policy: Processed of social and culture change – discovery, invention, diffusion, factors in rate of social and cultural change. Incentives and inhibitions to social and cultural change in Pakistan. Social planning and directed social and cultural change

7. Community: The rural community, traditional characteristics of rural life, the urban community, rural – urban convergence, urbanism, future of cities in Pakistan

8. Social institutions: The nature and genesis of institutions, the process of institutions, functions and trade of social institutions. Family, religion, educational, economic and political institutions

9. Social problems in Pakistan: Population growth, demographic transition – deviant behaviour, institutionalized evasions, social conflicts, internal and international migration, aging, drug abuse, prostitution, smuggling, illiteracy and poverty