Sociology Punjab PMS Paper II 2009
Combined Competitive Examination for Recruitment to the Posts of Provincial Management Service, ETC. – 2009
Subject: Sociology Paper II
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. Attempt in English or Urdu language. All questions carry equal marks.
Q. I In their effort to make sociology a science. sociologists have borrowed positivism from the physical sciences. Explain what positivism is and also discuss the limitations in its application to the study of human behavior.
Q.2 What do you understand by quantitative secondary sources of data’? Discuss the problems and limitations of the use of official statistics for further research.
Q.3 What do you understand by survey research? For carrying out a sample survey discuss the various stages through which the researcher has to pass.
Q.4 “The future of the world is not predictable simply because of the emergence of globalization: there are many’ possible futures”. Discuss.
Q.5 What could be the possible major explanations of global inequality? Take any one of these explanations. and discuss it in detail.
Q.6 Elaborate the theory of demographic transition. Show how the level of technological development in the economy is significantly related to the stages in the demographic transition theory.
Q.7 There are a number of theories of crime and deviance. Take any theory and critically evaluate its substance.