KHYBER PAKHTOON KHWA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, PESHAWAR SUBJECT: - COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVISIONAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE (BPS-17) GEOGRAPHY PAPER – I Time Allowed: 03 Hours Max Marks: 100 Attempt any FIVE questions, All questions carry equal marks Q-1 Write an essay on the influence of latitude on the annual cycle of insolation. Q-2 Define Cyclone and Anticyclone with particular reference to air movement and circulation of each in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. What type of weather is associated with each any why? Q-3 Differentiate between Valley Glacier and Ice Sheet. Discuss the depositional landforms of Valley Glacier in detail. . Q-4 What is an earthquake, and how does it arises? Describe the relationship between earthquake plate tectonic? Q-5 Describe in detail the various movements of ocean water. What ate the factor responsible for these movements? Q-6 Why salinity of ocean water varies from place to place? What are the determining factors for this variation? Discuss in detail. Q-7 Define Map. What are the essential of a map? Why we need projection for drawing a map? Q.-8 Write comprehensive note on any two of the followings: a) Karast Topography. b) Morphology of the ocean floor. c) Temperature inversion. d) Merits mi. demerits of Mercator’s Projection..