Political Science KP PMS Paper I 2016

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission

Competitive Examination

for the Posts of Provincial Management Service (BPS-17) 2016

Political Science, Paper I

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100

Note: Attempt Five questions and select at least two questions from each part. All questions carry equal marks.

Part I

Q.1 Discuss in detail the concept of Ideal State presented by Plato. Also shed light on his idea of Philosopher King.

Q.2 Critically evaluate the concept of government suggested by Aristotle

Q.3 Mao’s thoughts have deep impacts on revolutionary strategic thought in today’s time. Elucidate.

Q.4 Highlight the major elements of “Muqadama” a great work of Ibn-e-Khaldoon.

Part II

Q.5 Political parties work as an agent to socialize and mobilize people, keeping in view the statement throw light on structural-functional attributes of political parties.

Q.6 Local self Government system work as nurseries for getting effective leadership, keep this in mind, make a comparative analysis of Ayub’s Basic Democracies and Ziar’s local Bodies Goverment systems.

Q.7 Democracy is one of the effective systems of Governance. In the light of this notion sketch some peculiar features of democracy.

Q.8 Political elites are those who set the course of political development of the country. Explain the statement with reference to the role of political elites in Pakistan’s political development.