Geography CSS Paper I 1998


Time Allowed: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100

Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all including Question No. 8, which is Compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. illustrate your answers with sketches and diagrams where necessary.

Q.1. What are “PLANETARY WINDS”? Discuss their main characteristics and account for their distribution

Q.2. What are” METAMORPHIC ROCKS”? How does metamorphism take place? Give some examples of these rocks.

Q.3. Distinguish between equatorial rain-forest and Monsoon Climates. Which one of these Occurs in “Bangladesh” and “South Asia”? Discuss its major characteristics.

Q.4. Describe the “Flood Plain” and “Meanders” of an alluvial river. What is the geographical importance of flood plains in Pakistan?

Q.5. Explain the Internal Structure of the Earth with special reference to Earthquake waves.

Q.6. What are “TIDES”? Explain the tide-generating forces and their effect on the human life.

Q.7. Discuss the importance of “STATISTICAL DIAGRAMS” and “GRAPHS” in the study of geography.

Q.8. Write only correct answers in the answer book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

i. Length of the River Nile is: (a) 3590 miles (b) 4160 miles (c) 5310 miles

ii. The Great Bear Lake is situated in: (a) North America (b) Canada (c) Siberia

iii. Volcanic Mt. Etna is located in: (a) Hawai, U.S (b) (b) Indonesia (c) Sicily

iv. Dendritic pattern of drainage is: (a) Rectangular in shape (b) (b) Radial (c) Like the tree with branches

v. The height of Mt. Everest is: (a) 8848 meters (b) 8611 meters (c) 8586 meters

vi. Cold winds blowing down slope by gravity are. (a) Fohn Winds (b) Jet Streams (c) Katabatic Winds

vii. Wind gap is associated with: (a) Stand done (b) Sea have (c) River Capture

viii. Polar Front Theory deals with: (a) Formation of mountains (b) Cloud Formation (c) Atmospheric disturbance

ix. The Magma not able to reach the surface Crystallizes to form: (a) Sedimentary rocks (b) Plutonic (c) Volume rocks

x. The distribution of daily atmospheric conditions over an area is shown in a: (a) Distribution map (b) Weather map (c) Both

xi. Arrange the following passes according to their height from the Sea level: (a) Khyber Pass (b) Shandur Pass (c) Boln Pass (d) Khunjrab Pass

xii. The white sands of New Mexico are composed chiefly of: (a) Quartz (b) Calcite (c) Gypsum

xiii. The American “Dust Bowl” is located along the: (a) Mississippi Valley (b) Pacific Coast (c) Great Plains

XIV. The Sands of Bermuda are composed of: (a) Quartz (b) Calcite (c) Gypsum

XV. The rock most likely to be weathered by frost action is: (a) Sandstone (b) Limestone (c) Gneiss

XVI. The Atmospheric element which combines readily with many elements and compounds in rocks is: (a) Nitrogen digitalized (b) Oxygen (c) Hydrogen

XVII. A famous natural bridge is located in: (a) New Mexico (b) Vermont (c) Maine

XVIII. Artesian wells are common in the: (a) Rockies (b) Pacific north west (c) Great Plains

XIX: Sinkhole lakes are common in: (a) New York (b) Florida (c) Michigan

XX. Which deposits do not indicate the direction of the glacial movement? (a) Striae (b) Kames (c) Drumlins