Subject : Competitive Examination for the posts of
Provincial Management Service (BPS-17) 2018
Botany Paper 2
Time Allowed : 03 Hours. Max Marks: 100
Note : Attempt any five questions
Q 1 Give a detailed account of hormones and their role in agriculture and horticulture. 20
Q 2 Describe vernalization and dormancy and their role in seed germination. 20
Q 3 Describe the influence of climatic, edaphic and biotic factors on plant growth and adaptation of plant communities. 20
Q 4 Explain the concepts of ecosystems and the mechanisms of food chains and trophic levels. 20
Q 5 Describe the causes and consequences of water logging and salinity with respect to Pakistan. 20
Q 6 Describe mutation and polyploidy. Also give the types and levels of polyploid complexes in plants. 20
Q 7 Describe theories of evolution and no-Darwinism. 20
Q 8 What is bio-chemical nature of proteins and fats? Describe in detail the structural configurations of proteins. 20