International Relations KP PMS Paper 2022



International Relations

Time allowed: 3 Hours Max: Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions; all questions carry equal marks. Be original, objective and analytical.

Q.1 Critically examine if the Ukraine War is a local affair or 2 competition between the two superpowers, and how it is to impact the European unity. Give arguments and examples to justify your answer.

Q.2 Discuss the sulient features of US Indu-Pacific Strategy enunciated in February 2022. Analyze its implications for the South Asian Security Environment with particular reference to Pakistan.

Q.3 The trade war between the US and China has jeopardized the global economic order impacting all regions and states; Pakistan caught between these two global powers is likely to be affected the most. Analyze Pakistan’s predicament and suggest policy options to safeguard its national security objectives.

Q.4 In the Realist prism ‘State’ is the legitimate actor in the international system but the emergence of Non-State Actor (NSA) has greatly impacted the global order; Taliban are governing Afghanistan without recognition and Hezbollah is a major stakeholder in Lebanon. Analyze the impact of NSA on global strategic environment with solid arguments and valid examples.

Q.5 The Chinese Belt and P.oad Initiative (BRI) hes global outreach in Asia, Africa and Europe at the cost of US hegemony. Discuss its main objectives and analyze challenges and prospects of its success.

Q.6 Abraham Accords was designed to normalize relations hetween Israel and the Arab World; however, except for few Arab States the idea has not received popular support among the public and leaders. Critically examine the implications of this Accord on Palestinian issue.

Q7. The Covid pandemic has introduced the concept of ‘New Normal’ in the psycho-social attitudes of public across the globe. Discuss the impact of this concept on the individuals and society with: special reference to Pakistan

Q8 Climate Change has assumed alarming situation to impact the entire globe, but many states are least concerned to this security threat. Analyze this non-traditional security issue and its possible impact on global warming.
