History of Pakistan and India KP PMS Paper II 2022




Time Allowed: 03 HOURS Max: Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q- 1: The diversified corner to corner and diametrically opposed historical depths have been witnessing the fact that the movement of Qutb-ud-Din Ahmad WalTullah , the first of its kind in the sub-continent, like parallel movements in the other parts of the planet generally and in the globe of the Muslims specifically, had as its objective to apprehend the inner-more and intramural worsening state of the Muslim society and shielding it against the outermost far-flung infringement and intrusion.” Historically explore and critically analyze.

Q- 2: “What have no right to seize Sindh yet we shall do so, and a very advantageous, useful, human piece of rascality it will be,” wrote General Charles Napier in his diary. Subsequent to having been drawn a dichotomic streak in between the zone of realities and the fairy-tale region, write a comprehensive account of the fall of Sindh and bring out causes which inspired the English East India Company to violently behaved and commit aggression against Sindh.

Q- 3: Suppose you are asked to deliver a tecture on “Various Approaches, Strategies, Policies, and Missions for the partition of Sub-Continent”. What would you influencedly, and speliboundly discuss?

Q- 4: Give an account of the Anglo-French struggle for supremacy in the Sub-continent during the 18 Century AD and bring out the causes for the success of the British and French letdown. Besides, analyze the environments how a simple trading company became one of the major challenges the subcontinent had ever dealt with, moreover it is beyond belief a fact that the very spirited diversities of the then power-structure have still perpetually been practicing over here in Pakistan like a beacon-house, despite the fact that its designers have already been disappeared from the sky of this zone and no such structure they have with them over there.

Q- 5: Do you agree with Sir Reginald Coup!and’s understanding that Congress’ totalitarian mentality’ and the endeavor to intimidate and coerce the Muslim League failed and the reaction of Jinnah and his followers constituted an historic turning point in the course of Indian Politics?

Q 6: How does the Non-Viotence philosophy of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan leave pluridimensional footmarks and influences on the Freedom Movement in NWFP, 1929-1947? By giving an historical account of different patterns and pitches, how do you strikingly opinionate?

Q- 7: Give details & illustrate why, despite being target of terrorism, Pakistan’s international allies time and again publicly express displeasure with Pakistan’s counter terrorism policy and actions? How do you think? {s this a failure of Pakistani Politics or diplomacy or Achilles’ heel in its Foreign policy? Pinpoint the blameworthiness and put forward corrective measures, if required. Upkeep your answer with long-lasting arguments.

Q 8: Not excluding the degree of their accomplishments and fiascoes, how do you comparatively examine the Pakistan’s Retations with the Global Powers, during the Regimes of both Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and General Muhammad Zia UI Haq?
