Public Administration CSS Paper 2008



NOTE: (i) Part – II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART – II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at one place instead of at different places.
(iv) Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q.Paper.
(v) No Page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be crossed.
(vi) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.

Part I

Q.1. Select the best one.

1. All are the characteristics of Administration except:
a. It is a science and art
b. Has techniques that are universally applicable
c. Is a profession
d. Is not distinct from ownership
e .None of these

2. According to an early definition that kind of management which conducts a business or affairs by standards established by facts or truth gained through systematic observation experiments or reasoning is known as
a. Classical management
b. Bureaucratic management
c. Neo-classical management
d. Scientific management
e. None of these

3. H.Foyal, Terry, Koontz and O’ Donnel had the following view regarding Administration and management
a. Management and Administration are one
b. Administration is a part of Management
c. Management and Administration are different
d. Depends on the type of organization
e. None of these

4. Human Relations approach was a metamorphic step in management theory and practice.
The studies for this movement were carried out at
a. Hawthorne plant at Western Electric Company, Chicago
b. Hawthorne plant at Harvard University
c. HRD Department, Stanford University
d. General Electric Company,Newyork
e. None of these

5. The Principle of unity of command implies
a. In union there is strength
b. Employees should receive orders from one superior only
c. Group to be assigned the responsibility of commanding
d. Command be equally distributed among horizontal line
e. None of these

6. Which of the following was not enunciated as a principle of management by Henry Fayol
a. Division of work
b. Planning and Organization
c. Authority and responsibility
d. Espirit de corps
e. None of these

7. A Plan is a determined course of action. The first major step in the process is
a. Developing premises
b. Stating organizational objectives
c. Developing plans
d. Putting plans into action
e. None of these

8. Which of the statements given below regarding decision making is false?
a .It is a continuous process
b. It implies a choice
c. It is an intellectual activity
d. Decision making is identical with problem solving
e. None of these

9. Which of the following statements about span of management is false?
a. A manager cannot supervise the activities of an unlimited number of people
b. Span of management directly affects the number of management levels in the organization
c. The capacity and the ability of the executive have absolutely no role in determining the span of management
d. Higher the degree of decentralization, larger can the span of management be
e. None of these

10. Line organization is most suitable where
a. Business is carried on large scale
b. Methods of operations are complex
c. Where expertise of specialist is required
d. All of these
e. None of these

11. Managerial authority denotes
a. Right to act or direct the action of other in attainment of organizational goals
b. Right to give orders and power to extract obedience
c. Supreme coordinating power
d. All of these
e. None of these

12. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Authority and responsibility co-exist
b. Responsibility can be delegated
c. Accountability arise out responsibility
d. Authority is the Supreme coordinating power
e. None of these

13. Decentralization is (as an organization concept)
a. Delegation of actual performance of work
b. Physical or geographical dispersal of its activities
c. Delegation of decision making
d. All of these
e. None of these

14. Personnel functions is a
a. Line function
b. Staff functions
c. Can be either line or staff
d. Neither line nor staff
e. None of these

15. All of the following statements regarding manpower planning are true except
a. Manpower planning is merely forecasting of demand and supply of humans resources
b. planning of Manpower is a continuous process
c. Manpower plans may be formal or informal
d. Manpower planning is a vital managerial function
e. None of these

16. Job description implies
a. Personal capacities and inclinations deemed necessary for successful job performance.
b. Written statement of the main duties and responsibilities which job entails
c. Process that ensures that right kind of people at the right placed at the right time do thing for which they are economically most useful
d. None of these

17 .An individual who systematically develops a subordinate’s abilities through intensive tutoring is named as
a. Mentor
b. Manager
c. supervisor
d. Peer
e. None of these

18. A plan for allowing each employee to determine the make-up of his or her fringe benefit Package is
a. Compensation
b. Salary administration
c. Cafeteria compensation
d. Loaning
e. None of these

19. Which of the following statement regarding the communication is false
a. communication is perception
b. communication is expectation
c. communication provides for feedback mechanism
d. communication and information are synonymous
e None of these

20. Open door policy is an aid to
a. Downward communication
b. upward communication
c. Both a & b
d None of these

Part II

Q.2. It is said that “PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION is nothing less than the whole government in action”.What is your view about the nature of
public administration? (20).

Q.3. “The Hawthrone studies played a significant role in changing the dominant view at the time the employees were no different from any other machines that the organization used.” Discuss human relation movement with particular emphasis on the hawthrone studies?

Q.4. “Bureaucratic power is not the same as administration effectiveness.A poweful bureacracy is administratively weak”.What are your reasons for agreement or disagreement with the statement?

Q.5. The CSP officers were accused of harbouring a colonial mentality,of being little more “Brown Englishmen’s in the conduct of duties .Do you agree with this observation,Comment?

Q.6. Discuss various styles of leadership? What style of leader you prefer? Justify your preference?

Q.7. Explain the new administrative setup under Local Government Ordinance 2001.How far it affected the efficiency of Bureaucracy ?

Q.8. Analyze the Recruitment and training process of Central and Provincial Service?
