Journalism KP PMS Syllabus

Journalism (Mass Communication)

Total Marks – 100

Note: Candidate will be asked to attempt total five questions. They will attempt at least two questions from each Section. Short note within the question (without choice) can also be given

Section A

1. Concept and process of communication: Source, message, channel, destination, encoding, decoding, noise, feedback. Oral vs. written communication. Two step flow of communication. Role of opinion leader

2. Information and Journalism – functions: Scanning the horizon and reporting back – news function, educational function, opinion for motives, entertainment functions

3. Pakistani press: An overview of the evolution of the Muslim press in South Asia before 1947 and development of Pakistan Press since 1947, its social and economic impact. Trends and characteristics, problems and prospects

4. Mass media: Components, functions and effects, mass media in Pakistan: Size and dispersion, role in national development, prospects and problems

Section B

1. News principles and techniques of news writing, editorial definitions, ingredients, types and functions of writing of editorials

2. Public relations: definitions, purpose and scope. Ethics, PR in Pakistan, duties of PRO, PR procedures and processes

3. Magazine journalism: Mag-journalism in Pakistan. Types, functioning, purpose. Its social aspects and scope

4. Press release, press note and press communication: Definitions and basic ingredients. Writing of press release, press note and press communiqué

5. Advertising: Definition, functions, types and purpose, its social and economic aspects, principles of successful advertising

6. Press laws: Press laws in Pakistan (Gradual developments) and the “Right to know” concepts of press freedom and responsibility. Ethics of journalism
