British History CSS Paper I 2008



Note: Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from part-2.All questions carry equal marks. Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.

Q.1 Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the answer sheet.

(1) France recognized William as the King of England by Treaty of:

(A) Augsburg
(B) Ryswick
(C) Vienna
(D) None of these

(2) War between England and France from 1689-1697 is known as the war of:
(A) English Succession
(B) French Succession
(C) Spanish Succession
(D) None of these

(3) The war of Spanish Succession started in:

(A) 1700
(B) 1701
(C) 1702
(D) None of these

(4) Who was given the title of Duke of Marlborough?

(A) John Churchill
(B) John Chancellor
(C) John Marshall
(D) None of these

(5) George 1 was the son of:

(A) Anne
(B) Elizabeth
(C) Sophia
(D) None of these

(6) Who was the leader of Jacobite Revolt in Scotland?

(A) Earl of Marx
(B) Earl of Stanford
(C) Earl of Edwards
(D) None of these

(7) Stanhope (1716-1721) the Prime Minister of England belonged to which party:

(A) Tory
(B) Whig
(C) Labour
(D) None of these

(8) George 2 became king of England in:

(A) 1723
(B) 1725
(C) 1727
(D) none of these

(9) The word ‘Whig’ means:

(A) Dacoit
(B) Intelligent
(C) Rebel
(D) None of these

(10) George 3 created a new group which was called:

(A) King’s friends
(B) King’s supported
(C) King’s loyalists
(D) none of these

(11) Who was the author of “Treatise on civil Governments”?

(A) Filmer
(B) Hobbes
(C) Locke
(D) None of these

(12) Who was the Prime Minister of England during the War of Jenkin’s Ear?

(A) Pitt the younger
(B) Pitt the elder
(C) Walpole
(D) none of these

(13) War of Austrian Succession ended in 1748 by the treaty of:

(A) Paris
(B) London
(C) Aix-la-Chapele
(D) None of these

(14) Who was appointed as Prime Minister after Pitt the elder resigned in 1761?

(A) Bute
(B) Wellington
(C) Walpole
(D) None of these

(15) Who was known as the “Drill Sergeant” of the Whig Party?

(A) Disraeli
(B) Gladstone
(C) Peel
(D) None of these

(16) What was the amount of the annual pension of Walpole when he resigned in 1742?

(A) 4000 pounds
(B) 6000 pounds
(C) 8000 pounds
(D) None of these

(17) The national debt of England in 1721 was:

(A) 51 million pounds
(B) 53 million pounds
(C) 55 million pounds
(D) none of these

(18) Walpole died in:

(A) 1741 A.D
(B) 1743 A.D
(C) 1745 A.D
(D) None of these

(19) The seven years war came to an end by the treaty of:

(A) Brunswick
(B) London
(C) Paris
(D) None of these

(20) Edmund Burke became a member of British Parliament in:

(A) 1764
(B) 1766
(C) 1768
(D) None of these


Q.2. “The glorious Revolution of 1688 was a great event in the annals of British History by which the king of England became servant of the people.” Analyze this statement with special reference to the result of the Revolution.

Q.3. The growth of political parties in England during the 18th century strengthened the Cabinet System of Government. Comment and analyze.

Q.4. What were the causes of success and failure of Whig oligarchy in England? Explain.

Q.5. How did the glorious Revolution in England affect the Social, Economic, Political and cultural life of English people? Explain and analyze.

Q.6. Critically examine the achievements of Pitt the Younger with special focus on his domestic and foreign policy.

Q.7. French Revolution was a very important event in the History not only of France but also for England. How did the revolution affect the British society and political thought?

Q.8. “The empire of Napoleon was like a brilliant bubble on the stream of time” critically examine this statement.
