English Literature CSS Paper I 2005


NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. Select Two questions from each part. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Legouis says “Wordsworth saw Nature and Man with new eyes”. Examine this new vision critically.

  1. Shelley was inspired by love, that is not limited to mankind only. Discuss.

  2. “Free from all moral degree, Keats’ poetry has the most compiling enchantment for lovers of pure beauty. Discuss.

4. Ruskin expressed his ideas in a magnified poetic and decorative prose. Discuss with examples.

  1. Dickens set so personal a stamp on his books that at every turn he seemed to be an innovator. Discuss.

  2. Do you think that George Eliot is the first English novelist who has shown tremendous psychological insight?

  3. Write detailed notes on TWO of the following:
    (1) Main literary trends in Victorian Age.
    (2) Main characteristics of Romanticism with special reference to English romantic poets.
    (3) Robert Browning’s interest in psychological analysis of characters from different countries.
    (4) The concept of fate in Hardy’s novels.

8. Write only correct answer in the Answer book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

1) Byron wrote ‘Childe Harold’ in:
a) 1808 b) 1812 c) 1818 d) None of these

  1. Which English romantic poet admired Pope:
    a) Coleridge b) William Wordsworth c) Byron d) None of these

  2. The poem “the Triumph of life” was written by:
    a) Keats b) Blake c) Shelley d) None of these

  3. ‘Songs of Experience’ written by Blake was published in:
    a) 1790 b) 1794 c) 1820 d) None of these

  4. ‘The Excursion’ was written by:
    a) Coleridge b) Blake c) Shelley d) None of these

  5. The Last Ride Together was written by:
    a) Byron b) Tennyson c) Browning d) None of these

  6. ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ was written by:
    a) Dickens b) Hardy c) George Eliot d) None of these

  7. ‘Adam Bede’ is a novel written by
    a) Dickens b) Hardy c) George Eliot d) None of these

  8. ‘The Ring and the Book’ is a poem written by:
    a) Browning b) Matthew Arnold c) Tennyson d) None of these

  9. ‘The Lotus-Eaters’ was written by
    a) Tennyson b) Browning c) Blake d) None of these

  10. ‘The Art for Art’s sake’ theory was presented by:
    a) Ruskin b) Carlyle c) Oscar Wilde d) None of these

  11. ‘The Old Familiar Face’ was written by:
    a) Ruskin b) Charles Lamb c) J. S. Mill d) None of these

  12. ‘The Stone of Venice’ was written by:
    a) J. S. Mill b) Carlyle c) Ruskin d) None of these

  13. Which poem of Keats contains ‘Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter’.
    a) Ode to Autumn b) Ode on a Grecian Urn c) Ode to melancholy d) None of these

  14. Which of the Romantic poets is called an escapist?
    a) Keats b) Shelley c) Wordsworth d) None of these

  15. ‘Andrea del Sarto’ is a poem written by
    a) Shelley b) Browning c) Tennyson d) None of these

  16. ‘The importance of Being Earnest’ was written by:
    a) Byron b) Wordsworth c) Oscar Wilde d) None of these

  17. Which of the following novels of Hardy has ‘clymb’ as the main male character?
    a) Tess of the D’Urberville b) Major of the Casterbridge c) Jude the Obscure d) None of these

  18. The principle of political Economy was the main theme of the writings of:
    a) Ruskin b) J. S. Mill c) Carlyle d) None of these

  19. Which novel of Hardy presents ‘Egdon Heath’ as the background of the story?
    a) Tess of the D’Urberville b) Return of the Native c) Jude the Obscure d) None of these
