Everyday Science CSS Paper 1994

Time Allowed: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 50
Note: Attempt any ten questions. All questions carry equal marks. Draw diagram where necessary.

  1. Which of the following statements are true and which are false.

a) Bacteria are parasites
b) Ruby is an Oxide of Aluminum
c) In the Australian continent, days are longer than nights in June.
d) Gypsum is hydrated calcium carbonate chemically.
e) Twenty-three moons revolve around Saturn
f) Pluto is the coldest planet
g) Chromite ore contains chromium oxide
h) Mica is a nonconductor of electricity.
i) Sun is the biggest star in the universe.
j) The earth completes one rotation about its axis in 365.25 days.

  1. Write short notes on any Two of the following
    (i) Structure of cell (animal) (ii) Hovering satellite (iii) Water pollution

  2. Describe briefly any Five of the following terms
    (i) Ecosystem (ii) Laser (iii) Alloy (iv) Polymer (v) Diffusion (vi) Balanced diet

  3. Fill in the blanks
    (i) The capacity to do work is called _________.
    (ii) The energy possessed by a body die to its position is called _________.
    (iii) Kitab al-Manazir is a publication by a famous Muslim scientist about _________.
    (iv) _________ usually lies in the centre of an animal cell.
    (v) Calcium and _________ are the essential elements of bones.
    (vi) Proteins are formed by combination of _________.
    (vii) Rainwater dissolves sulphur dioxide to form _________
    (viii) The set of instructions given to a computer is called _________.
    (ix) Chemicals such as penicillin which set on _________ are called antibiotics.
    (x) Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 hit the planet _________ in July this year.

  4. Name the three major parts of human brain and the functions they control. Make a rough labeled diagram of the brain.

  5. Explain what is meant by “Non-conventional source of energy”. Describe any three of these.

  6. Give brief answers for any five of the following

(i) Name the two proteins found in milk.
(ii) What organ of human body controls the amount of water and salt in blood?
(iii) Drugs are classified into five major groups. Define any two.
(iv) How do chromosomes in a male and female (enter) in a human body?
(v) Which two gases do you exhale more than you inhale?
(vi) Name any two glands which secretes hormones in human body.

  1. Explain briefly any two of the following phenomena.
    (i) Lunar eclipse (ii) Photosynthesis (iii) Formation of a rainbow

  2. Differentiate between any five of the following pairs.
    (i) Veins and arteries (ii) PNP and NPN transistor (iii) Electronic current and static electricity (iv) Concave and convex lens (v) Fats and oils (vi) Absorption and adsorption

  3. Describe in detail, the impact of scientist inventions on agriculture.

  4. What are viruses? Describe their structure. Which of the following diseases are caused by virus and which are caused by bacteria?
    (i) Polio (ii) Diphtheria (iii) AIDS (iv) Tetanus (v) Smallpox (vi) Measles

  5. Describe the principle, construction and working of telephone.

  6. Which part of a plant do they belong to?
    (i) Ginger (ii) Raddish (iii) Potato (iv) Cinnamon (v) Peanut (vi) Saffron (vii) Almond (viii) Chillies (ix) Spinach (x) Tomato

  7. Which field of study do the following branches of science represent?
    (i) Haematology (ii) Cytology (iii) Morphology (iv) Psychology (v) Geology

  8. Fill in the blanks.
    (i) In a heat engine, heat energy is changed into _________ (mechanical energy, magnetic energy, light energy)
    (ii) Frequency of audible sound in Hertz (Hz) is _________ (20 – 20,000 Hz, 20,000 – 30,000 Hz, 30,000 – 4,000 Hz)
    (iii) Deficiency of vitamin B causes _________ (rickets, beriberi, night blindness)
    (iv) Cheapest source of producing electricity is _________ (coal, natural gas, water)
    (v) The smallest unit of measurement of wavelength is _________ (micrometer, angstrom, manometer)
    (vi) The chemical generally used in refrigerators is _________ (ethylene, glyco freon, methyl alcohol)
    (vii) The unit of ‘TON’ to specify air conditioners is equal to _________ (10,000 BTU/hour, 12,000 BTU/hour, 16,000 BTU/hour)
    (viii) Unit of electricity ‘KILOWATT HOUR’ is the unit of (force, work, power)
    (ix) Period of famous Muslim scientists is _________ (3rd – 5th century, 6th – 7th century, 7th – 13th century A.D.)
    (x) Heat radiation travels at a speed equal to _________ (half the speed of light, speed of light, speed of wind)
