English Essay CSS Paper 1983

Time allowed: 2 hours

Maximum marks: 50

(a) Make an outline for writing an Essay on any one of the following topics.

(b) Write the Essay based on the outline you have drawn.

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i) The Oil glut and its implications on balance of power.

ii) Dynamic developments in Pakistan’s social structure.

iii) The institution of Ombudsman – Wafaqi Mohtasib.

iv) Freedom Movement and establishment of Pakistan.

v) South Asian Regional Co-operation – the emergence of a new power bloc.

vi) Human kind cannot bear very much reality.

vii)Value of Faith in a computerized world.

viii) Art as a vehicle of social reconstruction.

ix) The plight of the Third World and the urgency of a new economic order.

x) National dynamism and Islamic internationalism.

xi) Small is Beautiful.

xii) Industrial development and environmental pollution.

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