Agriculture CSS Paper 2007




NOTE: (i) Attempt FIVE questions in all including question No. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered
(iii) Candidate must draw two straight lines (==================) at the end to separate each question attempted in Answer Books.

Q. No. 1. Discuss the important physical properties of soils that are of major interest to crop producers.

Q. No. 2. What are the Genetic consequences of self-fertilization and of cross-fertilization in crops?

Q. No. 3. What aspects of light affect plant growth and development and how they can be managed under field conditions?

Q. No. 4. Why it is necessary to understand the life cycle of both the host and pathogen as well as the disease cycle itself in order to determine appropriate disease control method?

Q. No. 5. What are the reasons for low per unit yield of most of the crops in Pakistan as compared to other countries? Suggest measures for enhancement of per unit yield in Pakistan.

Q. No. 6. Write short notes on any Four of the following:
(a) Genetically Modified Organisms
(b) Biosafety issues
(c) Biological Control of Pest
(d) Conservation of Biodiversity
(e) Role of Agricultural research in food security
(f) Importance of statistics in agricultural research

Q. No. 7. Differentiate between any Four of the following:
(a) Quantitative Genetic Traits and Qualitative Genetic Traits
(b) Monoecious Plants and Dioecious
(c) Double cross and Double fertilization
(d) Photosynthesis and Phototropism
(e) Autotrophic and Auxotrophic
(f) Homozygous and Heterozygous


Q. No. 8. Write only correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.

(1) Mechanism in which the product of metabolic pathway inhibits an enzyme catalyzing an early step is called:
(a) Early inhibition (b) Metabolic inhibition (c) Feed back inhibition (d) None of these

(2) The most suitable part of the plant for the study of Meiosis is:
(a) Young bud (b) Anther (c) Root tip (d) Shoot apex

(3) The shrinkage of protoplasm due to osmosis of water from the cell is known as:
(a) Hydrolysis (b) Endosmosis (c) Dehydration (d) Plasmolysis

(4) The most abundant compound in nature is:
(a) Starch (b) Protein (c) Cellulose (d) All of these

(5) Antibiotics are produced by the:
(a) Plants (b) Microorganisms (c) Animals (d) All of these

(6) The amino acids which cannot be synthesized by the mammals are called:
(a) Basic amino acids (b) Non-essential amino acids (c) Essential amino acids (d) Non-Polar amino acids

(7) Quantitative traits are measurable traits that show:
(a) Discontinuous variation (b) Continuous variation (c) Phenotypic (d) None of these

(8) The process of programmed cell death is called:
(a) Apoptosis (b) Necrosis (c) Degeneration (d) Both (a) and (b)

(9) Genetic material of an organism changes with:
(a) Age (b) Environmental change (c) Nutritional change (d) None of these

(10) Economically important Genetic traits in plants are influenced by the environment because these are:
(a) Cytoplasmically inherited traits (b) Monogenic traits (c) Polygenic traits (d) None of these

(11) Only plant cells contains:
(a) Plasma membrane (b) Mitochondria (c) Chloroplasts (d) Nucleolus

(12) The accumulation of CO2 in large quantities in the atmosphere causes the problem of:
(a) Air pollution (b) Over cooling of atmosphere (c) Degradation of Biodiversity (d) Green house effect

(13) The ovary in plants matures into:
(a) Fruit (b) Seed (c) Endosperm (d) Embryo

(14) The first step in Photosynthesis is:
(a) Excitation chlorophyll electron (b) Photolysis of water (c) Formation of NADPH2 (d) Formation of ATP

(15) Which one of the following is nonrenewable resource?
(a) Wildlife (b) Biodiversity (c) Fossil Fuel (d) Forest

(16) A plant disease caused by bacteria is called:
(a) Loose smut (b) Crown gall (c) Leaf rust (d) Powdery Mildew

(17) Enzymes are chemically:
(a) Carbohydrates (b) Lipids (c) Proteins (d) None of these

(18) Genes determine:
(a) The sex of a baby (b) A phenotypic character (c) Synthesis of a Polypeptide (d) All of these

(19) “It is the outermost layer of the animal cell, it is thin, delicate, elastic, and capable of self repair.” The statement is true for:
(a) Cell wall (b) Cell membrane (c) Middle Lamella (d) Nuclear membrane

(20) Biotechnology refers to:
(a) Manipulation of Genes (b) Cheese Making (c) Manipulation of Biological Systems (d) All of these
