Arabic Punjab PMS Paper I Syllabus

PAPER-I Total Marks: 100


A: The Pre-Islamic Arabic Literature and its salient features.

B: Al-Quran and its influence on Arabic Literature.

C: Literary movements, Classical Background, Socio-cultural influences and modern trends in Abbasid period and its literary history.

D: Contribution of The Arabs in the fields of science Philosophy and linguistics with critical study of the works of Immam Ghazali, Ibn-e-Rashique, Ibn-e-Qutaiba, AlJahiz, Ibn-e-Jinay and Khalil Bin Ahmed.

E: Literary movements in Undlus period.

F: Origin of modern literary style and its development, including Drama novel, short story and essay, special emphasis on the literature of Al-Mahjer and its outstanding representatives: Fouzi Almaloof, Jabran Khalil Jabran, Mikhail Nuaima and Ilia Abu Medh.

G: A short introduction to Indo-Pak Arabic Literature in the fields of prose and poetry and extension study of the works of Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgrami and Shah Wali Ullah.


A: To explain the meaning of Rhetoric ad its Literary aspects and differentiate them.

B: 1. Al-Tashbee 2. Al-Istiarah 3. Al haqiqah Wal-majaz 4. AlKinayah.


A: Arabic Grammar (Mufrad, Musana, Jamaal Murab Wal Madni, Marifah, Nakrah, Marfooat, Mansoobat, Majroorat).

B: A detailed study of history of Arabic Language and its characteristics.

C: Information about the Arab Scholars in the development of various sciences of Arabic Language.


A: To explain the meaning of criticisms and literature criticism.

B: To give through study of history of criticism in various periods of Pre-Islamic and Islamic history.


  1. Dr. De Boer The History of Philosophy in Islam

  2. Niclson A History of Arabic Literature

  3. Gibbs An introduction to the Arabic Literature

  4. W. Wright Arabic Grammar.
