Statistics Balochistan PCS Syllabus
Total Marks 150 STATISTICS Standard same as for degree examination. 10,550 Views
Total Marks 150 STATISTICS Standard same as for degree examination. 10,550 Views
Total Marks 150 Applied Mathematics Standard same as for degree examination. 11,321 Views
Total Marks 150 PURE MATHEMATICS Standard same as for degree examination. 3,216 Views
Total Marks 150 ISLAMIC HISTORY PERIOD-II i. Abbasid Period. ii. Muslim Rule in Spain 3,991 Views
Total Marks 150 ISLAMIC HISTORY PERIOD-I i. Pre-Islamic Arabia. ii. The Holy Prophet and the orthodox Caliphs. iii. The Omayyad Period. 5,477 Views
Total Marks 150 EUROPEAN HISTORY FROM 1780 A.D. Standard same as for Degree Examination 4,661 Views
Total Marks 150 ENGLISH HISTORY FROM 1714 A.D. Standard same as for Degree Examination 3,265 Views
Total Marks 150 Translation from the language into the English and from English into the language. 2,732 Views
Total Marks 150 INDIAN HISTORY PERIOD-I India from the first Arian settlement to the end of 1526 A.D. Questions may also be set on the History of Buddhism outside India 3,390 Views
Total Marks 150 INDIAN HISTORY PERIOD-II India from 1527 to 1857 4,637 Views
Total Marks 150 PERSIAN LITERATURE PERIOD-II After 1500 A.D. including the literature produced in the Indo-Pak Sub-continent. Note: Candidates will also be expected to answer questions regarding the cultural background of Persian Literature in both above periods. 3,208 Views
Total Marks 150 PERSIAN LITERATURE PERIOD-I Upto 1550 A.D. Note: Candidates will also be expected to answer questions regarding the cultural background of Persian Literature in both above periods. 3,418 Views
Total Marks 150 ARABIC LITERATURE, PERIOD-II (i) Abbasid period poets, scientists, prose writers, geographers, historians and journalists etc. (ii) Arabic Literature in Spain poets, prose writers, geographers, historians, philosophers and medical writers, etc. 38,174 Views
Total Marks 150 ARABIC LITERATURE, PERIOD-I (i) Pre-Islamic Poetry. (ii) The Holy Quran. (iii)Tafsir Literature. (iv) Evolution of Hedith Literature. (v) Origin and Development of early prose. (vi) Omayyad period poets and prose writers. 10,228 Views
Total Marks 150 HISTORY OF URDU LITERATURE Candidates will be expected to know the best known works in the language and to possess knowledge of the History of the Literature and such knowledge of general social history as well, enable them to understand the literature. 11,031 Views
Total Marks 150 Translation from the language into the English and from English into the language. 9,280 Views
Total Marks 150 Translation from the language into the English and from English into the language. 2,782 Views
Total Marks 150 ENGLISH LITERATURE PERIOD-II, 1832-1901 Carlyle, Dickens Thackeray, Tenyson, Browing, Matho, Arnold and Thomas Hardy. Note: Special attention should be paid to the authors name and a candidate will be expected to be familiar with some of their works. A candidate will also be expected to have studied the literary history of this…
Total Marks 150 ENGLISH LITERATURE, PERIOD-I, 1780-1832 Sectt, Wordsworth Lamb, Keats, Shelley, Byron and Jane Austen. Note: Special attention should be paid to the authors name and a candidate will be expected to be familiar with some of their works. A candidate will also be expected to have studied the literary history of this…
Total Marks 100 ISLAMIC AND PAKISTAN STUDIES: The candidate should be able to answer the questions on the following topics: 1. Shariat-i-Islam and Arkan-i-Islam. 2. Holy Prophet’s life. 3. Pakistan’s Movement and Historical Feature of Pakistan. 4,875 Views