Botany CSS Paper I 2008

(PART-1 MCQs) 30 Minutes MAXIMUM MARKS: 20
(PART—II) 2:30 Hours MAXIMUM MARKS: 80
NOTE: (i) First attempt PART-I (MCQs) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.
Q.1: Select the best option / answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (1 x 20 = 20)

(i) The scientific names of plants are written:
(a) In italic font style (b) Underline both generic and specific epithet separately (c) In capital letters (d) All of these (e) None of these

(ii) After two years of secondary growth in a dicot root the cortex will:
(a) Remain as such (b) Be totally lost (c) Be converted into cork (d) Be mostly lost (e) None of these

(iii) Botanical name of bread wheat is:
(a) Triticum durum (b) Triticum aestivum (c) Triticum indicum (d) Triticum vulgare (c) None of these

(iv) Father of Botany is called:
(a) Linneus (b) Theophrastus (c) Crick (d) Ostwald Tippo (e) None of these

(v) Carl Linnaeus is famous due to his:
(a) Binomial system of classification (b) Law of limiting factors (c) Law of classification of plants and animal (d) Rules of nomenclature (e) None of these

(vi) Thallophyta includes:
(a) Algae, fungi and lichens (b) Algae and bryophytes (c) Only algae and fungi (d) Bryophytes and Pteridophytes (e) None of these

(vii) In cryptogams, the sex organs are:
(a) Absent (b) Primitive (c) Primitive and hidden (di Primitive and exposed (e) None of these

(viii) Phanerogams arc the plants which have:
(a) Exposed sex organ (b) Most primitive sex organs (c) More or less hidden organs (d) All of these (e) None of these

(ix) Angiosperms are those plants which have:
(a) Covered flowers and seeds (b) Naked flowers and seed (c) Naked flowers and covered seeds (d) Covered flowers and naked seeds (e) None of these

(x) Plants which increase the fertility of soils belong to the family:
(a) Mimosaceae (b) Caesalpiniaceae (c) Scrophulariaceae (d) Fabaceae (e) None of these

(xi) Fruits are developed from:
(a) Ovule (b) Ovary (c) Carpel (d) Inflorescence (e) None of these

(xii) Which of the following represents a taxon?
(a) Species (b) Genus (c) Family (d) All of these (e) None of these

(xiii) Cotton and gram belong respectively to families:
(a) Gramineae and Malvaceae (b) Malvaceae and Fabaceae (c) Leguminosae and Malvaceae (d) Solanaceae and Cruciferae (e) None of these

(xiv) Which of the following is a monocotyledonous family?
(a) Solanaceae (b) Poaceae (c) Brassicaceae (d) Malvaceae (e) None of these

(xv) Which of the following is true tbr fungi?
(a) They are heterotrophic (b) Their cell wall is made up of chitin (c) Their plant body is hyphae (d) All of these (e) None of these

(xvi) Which of the following types of inflorescences is found in I .CUCLIN and Ocimum?
(a) Catkin (b) Corymb (c) Verticillaster (d) Cyathium (e) None of these

(xvii) When margins of the petals are just touching each other without any overlap aestivation is called:
(a) Twisted lb) Marginal (c) Imbricate (d) Valvate (e) None of these

(xviii) The centripetal growth of metaxylem results in protoxylem being:
(a) Endarch (b) Exarch (c) Niesarch (d) Any of these (c) None of these

(xix) A closed vascular bundle differs from an open bundle in:
(a) Absence of phloem (b) Absence of xylem (c) Absence of cambium (d) Absence of bundle sheath (e) None of these

(xx) Stomatal complex in which subsidiary cells can not be differentiated from the neighboring epidermal cells is called:
(a) Anomocytic (b) Diacytic (c) Paracytic (d) Anisocytic

NOTE: (i) PART-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks. Illustrate your answers with suitable DIAGRAMS where necessary.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.

Q.2. (a) Discuss the methods of reproduction in algae. (10)
(b) Write an essay on the economic importance of algae. (6)
(c) What are the affinities of algae with the land plants? (4)

Q.3. (a) Describe general characteristics of fungi. (10)
(b) Compare and contrast the characteristics of Basidiomycetes with that of Zygomycetes. (6)
(c) Write short note on parasexuality. (4)

Q.4. (a) What are the affinities of Bryophytes with that of Pteridophytes and algae? (8)
(b) Draw a labeled diagram of longitudinal section of the sporophyte of Anthoceros. (8)
(c) Write a note on asexual reproduction of Bryophytes. (4)

Q.5. (a) Describe the evolutionary trends in the structure of sporophyte among Pteridophytes.(10)
(b) Describe the characteristic features of Selaginella towards seed habit. (6)
(c) Draw a labeled diagram of transverse section of stem of Equisetum. (4)

Q.6. (a) “Ginkgo is a living fossil” Comment on this statement. (10)
(b) What affinities of Gymnosperms have with Angiosperms? (6)
(c) Draw a labeled diagram of transverse section of the leaf of Cycas. (4)

Q.7. (a) Describe in detail the cell types present in xylem. (11)
(b) Write notes on the following: (9)
(i) Nodal anatomy (ii) Sieve tubes (iii) Laticifers

Q.8. (a) What is Nomenclature? Describe the history of principles of nomenclature.(10)
(b) Write the names of the families of any five of the following plants: (10)
(i) Cassia fistula (ii) Tribulus aestivum (iii) Triticum terrestris (iv) Hibiscus esculanium (v) Elaeagnus angustifolia (vi) Saccharum officinarum (vii) Punica granatum