Botany CSS Paper II 2006




NOTE: (i) Attempt FIVE questions in all including question No. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(ii) Illustrate your answers with suitable diagrams where necessary.

Q.1 (a) Discuss the uptake and role of Nitrogen and Phosphorous in green plants
(b) How would you determine whether a plant nutrient is essential or non essential?

Q.2 (a) What do you know about plant growth hormones? Discuss the role of Cytokinins in plants
(b) Write short note on Vernalization

Q.3 (a) Discuss the process of CO2 fixation in C3 plants. How does it differ from C4 plants?

(b) Draw a figure to show the cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation in plants

Q.4 Write notes on following:
(a) Glycolysis (b) Ammonia assimilation in plants (c) Energy flow in Ecosystem (d) soil texture

Q.5 (a) what is soil salinity and water logging. Describe their causes and methods of soil reclamation with particular reference to Pakistani soils.
(b) enlist the major sources of air, water and soil pollution

Q.6 (a) what do you know about linkage and crossing over
(b) what is polyploidy ? Discuss its importance
(c) Write note on genetic code
(d) what is meiosis ? Discuss its significance

Q.7 (a) briefly discuss different theories of evolution. Which theory you think explain best the process of evolution and why
(b) write note on adaptive mutations

Compulsory Question

Q.8 Write only the correct answer in the Answer book. Do not reproduce the question:

1) A group of major regional biotic communities occupying a climatic region of earth is known as:
(a) Biotype (b) Biome (c) Biozone (d) Biosphere (e) None of these

2) Alleles separated during gamete formation are again brought together during:
(a) Mutation (b) Pollination (c) Fertilization (d) Crossing over (e) None of these

3) How many ATP molecules are produced when one hexose is completely oxidized through aerobic pathway of respiration:
(a) 28 (b) 32 (c) 36 (d) 39 (e) None of these

4) Which of the following enzyme break down H2O2:
(a) Kinase (b) Fumarase (c) Catalase (d) Cellulase (e) None of these

5) Which one of the following is a plant growth regulator:
(a) 2, 4-D (b) Nitrous Oxide (c) Sorbitol (d) None of these

6) Protein synthesis in plant cell takes place in:
(a) Glyoxysomes (b) Peroxisomes (c) Ribosomes (d) All of these (e) None of these

7) Stage of first prophase of meiosis during which chromosomes are thin and attached at both ends to nuclear membrane is called:
(a) Prophase (b) Telophase (c) diplotene (d) leptotene (e) None of these

8) Average thickness of nuclear membrane is:
(a) 10 A (b) 100 A (c) 1000 A (d) 10000 A (e) None of these

9) The structure of DNA was given by:
(a) Branton (b) Hatch and Slack (c) Bonet (d) Leininger (e) None of these

10) Seeds that require light or germination are said to be:
(a) Photoblastic (b) Photodormant (c) Photozoic (d) Photophile (e) None of these

11) Which one of the following amino acids contain only two carbon atoms:
(a) Glycine (b) Glutamate (c) Serine (d) Methionine (e) None of these

12) Biotic components of an Ecosystem include:
(a) Producers (b) consumers (c) decomposers (d) all of these (e) None of these

13) Which one of the following is a fatty acid:
(a) a-ketoglutarate (b) Lignin (c) Pectin (d) Linolenic (e) None of these

14) Temperate forest in Pakistan is found:
(a) Along the Himalayas (b) Along Coastal areas of Sindh (c) Cholistan desert (d) On the bank of river Ravi (e) None of these

15) An enzyme-cofactor complex is:
(a) Apoenzyme (b) Holoenzyme (c) Co.enzyme (d) Isoenzyme (e) None of these

16) Which of the following microorganism fix atmospheric nitrogen:
(a) Rhizobium (b) Volvox (c) (e) Colli (d) All of these (e) None of these

17) Non genetic RNA which brings in amino acids to site of protein synthesis:
(a) r-RNA (b) m-RNA (c) t-RNA (d) hnRNA (e) None of these

18) Which of the following enzymes is not involved in respiration?:
(a) Succinate dehydrogenase (b) Fumarase (c) Citrate synthase (d) Glycolate oxidase (e) None of these

19) Oxygen released by green plants comes from :
(a) H2O (b) CO2 (c) Glucose (d) Proteins (e) None of these

20) Zone of soil immediately surrounding root is :
(a) Rhizosphere (b) Rhizome (c) Rhizomorph (d) Rhizozone (e) None of these