Botany KP PMS Paper I 2018


Subject: Competitive Examination for the posts of

Provincial Management Service (BPS — 17) 2018

Paper: Botany — I

Time Allowed: 03 Hours Max Marks:100

Note: Attempt any five questions Each question carries 20 marks.

Q I. Differentiate between sexual and vegetative reproduction in Fungi with examples. Describe various methods of sexual reproduction met within different groups of Fungi.

Q II. What are Tracheophytes? Name different groups of Tracheophytes with examples. Describe a generalized life cycle of Pteropsida. Draw a graphic illustration of the life cycle.

Q III. Compare the characteristic features of Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta. Mention the points where Cyanophyta show similarities and differences with bacteria.

Q IV. Define Thallus and Spore. Enumerate different types of thalli and asexual spores in Algae.

Q V. According to one school of thought Bryophytes evolved from the green Thallophytic Algae and according to 2nd school they have been descended from the pteridophytes. Discuss both the theories in detail.

Q VI. Differentiate between meristernatic and permanent tissues. Make a list of different types of permanent tissues. Discuss different types of simple permanent tissues in detail.

Q VII. Elaborate the term “modem trends in plant taxonomy”. Explain the role chemotaxonomy and numerical taxonomy in classification of plants.

Q VITI. Explain any two of the following.
i. Different mechanisms of pollination ii. Rules of botanical nomenclature iii. Characteristic features of Basidiomycota