Botany KP PMS Paper I Syllabus


Total Marks – 200

Paper I

Marks – 100

1. Thallophytes

a. Phycology: Origin, evolution, distribution and classification with reference to range, structure, life history, ecology and economic importance of the main groups of algae

b. Mycology and Plant Pathology Structure, development reproduction, classification, phylogeny, physiology and economic importance of the main groups of fungi, Diseases of economic importance and general principles of their control

2. Bryology: Evolution of gametophytes and Sporophytes

3. Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms: General structure, life history and evolutionary tendencies, Ontogeny and structure of seed

4. Anatomy and Embryology: Primary and secondary issues, Meristems, tissue differentiation, normal and abnormal secondary growth, anatomy of leaf, stem and root, micro and megasporogenesis, pollination mechanism, fertilization, development of embryo and endosperm, seed dispersal

5. Taxonomy of Angiosperms: Systems of classification, Rules of botanical nomenclature, Concepts of speciation, introduction to modern trends in plant taxonomy, Bio-systematics, chemotaxonomy and numerical taxonomy
