British History CSS Paper II 2011


NOTE: (i) First attempt PART-I (MCQs) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.
Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (1 x 20=20)
(i) The Crimean War involved which combination of countries?
(a) Russia, France, UK (b) Russia, France, UK, Piedmont-Sardinia (c) Russia, France, Austria, Prussia, UK (d) Russia, UK, Prussia, Italy (e) None of these
(ii) In 1851, the United Kingdom was described, on account of its industrialization, as:
(a) “The Emporium of the World” (b) “The Shopkeeper of the World” (c) “The Workshop of the World” (d) “The Tyrant of the World” (e) None of these
(iii) Disraeli and Gladstone were both:
(a) Leaders of rival parties and prime ministers of Britain (b) Leaders of rival parties (c) Failed generals (d) Prime ministers of Britain (e) None of these
(iv) British global imperial supremacy before 1914 was based on:
(a) Innate racial superiority and the Grace of God (b) Financial and industrial strength, overseas colonies, and a disciplined dictatorial government at home (c) Naval, industrial and commercial strength, plus political and social stability at home (d) Superiority of leadership (e) None of these
(v) The Reform Act of 1867 extended voting rights to:
(a) Jews and Catholics (b) Women and Jews (c) All adult men (d) All male householders and rent-paying tenants (e) None of these
(vi) The 1870 Education Act made:
(a) Schooling up to grade 12 free and compulsory for all (b) Schooling for children aged 5 – 12 free for all Poor Law Union ratepayers in countries and boroughs (c) Schooling for children aged 5 – 12 free and compulsory for all (d) Schooling for females was made compulsory at all levels. (e) None of these
(vii) The rise of Imperial Germany threatened Britain because:
(a) Germany naval armaments build-up post-1898 (b) Germany’s cultural dominance over Europe (c) Germany’s alliance with Russia and France (d) Germany’s alliance with Italy and Japan (e) None of these
(viii) The British policy towards Russia in Middle East and Balkans was designed to:
(a) Play the great game (b) Prevent Russia from reaching the Mediterranean (c) Punish Russia for its aggression against China (d) Prevent Austria-Hungary from imploding (e) None of these
(ix) The British gained Egypt’s share of ownership of the Suez Canal in:
(a) 1875 (b) 1888 (c) 1900 (d) 1935 (e) None of these
(x) Britain and France entered into what kind of alliance before World War I?
(a) Non-aggression pact (b) Mutual defence pact (c) Permanent military alliance (d) Strategic understanding and naval agreement (e) None of these
(xi) During the 1910s and 1920s which third party emerged on the British political scene?
(a) The Ultra-conservatives (b) The Labour Party (c) The Liberal Party (d) The Imperial Party (e) None of these
(xii) In 1928 voting rights were extended to:
(a) Jews and Blacks (b) Gypsies (c) Adult women (d) Everybody over the age of 16 (e) None of these
(xiii) Lloyd George’s was the British Prime Minister who:
(a) Began creating a welfare state in the UK (b) Tried to turn the UK into a confederation (c) Lost the First World War (d) Defeated Winston Churchill (e) None of these
(xiv) The policy of the 1930s governments towards which countries was dubbed as “appeasement”?
(a) USSR, USA, and Spain (b) Germany, Italy and Turkey (c) Japan, Italy and Russia (d) Germany, France and Japan (e) None of these
(xv) Winston Churchill served for how many terms as Prime Minister?
(a) 0 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 1 (e) None of these
(xvi) Post-1945, the Labour Party formed the government having pledged to:
(a) Create a One Party State on the Soviet model (b) Legislate a comprehensive system of welfare (c) Win the Cold War (d) Develop nuclear weapons (e) None of these
(xvii) In 1952, London suffered an environmental disaster due to:
(a) Radiation (b) Toxic smog build-up. (c) Explosion in a major chemicals processing plant (d) Bad weather (e) None of these
(xviii) Euro-Skeptics are those who:
(a) Refuse to cooperate with European integration (b) Want to dismantle the European Union (c) Want to preserve British freedom of action on certain key issues (d) Refuse to accept Dutch domination of key European Union Committees (e) None of these
(xix) The “special relationship” refers to the relationship between:
(a) The UK and its former “Jewel in the Crown”, India. (b) The UK and Canada (c) The UK and Australia (d) The UK and the USA (e) None of these
(xx) Thatcherism is:
(a) A critique of the welfare state that argues it is unsustainable and needs to be made more responsive to market forces (b) A strategic doctrine that call for the UK to restore its empire (c) A gender reform movement that calls for equal rights for women (d) A kind of market socialism (e) None of these

Part II
NOTE:(i) PART-II is to be attempted on separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
Q.2. How did the British political leadership balance the need for stability with the need for reform between 1860 and 1894? Discuss with reference to major legislation enacted during this period. (20)
Q.3. How did the emergence of the British middle class and working class as politically charged groups affect British politics between 1867 and 1914? Discuss. (20)
Q.4. What was the British policy towards Europe between 1856 and 1888? How did it change between 1888 and 1914? Discuss. (20)
Q.5. Would you agree with the assessment that Winston Churchill is the greatest of Britain Prime Ministers from the period (1850 – present)? Defend your opinion with examples from British history. (20)
Q.6. What is a welfare state? Elaborate upon some of the major reforms introduced in the UK post 1945. (20)
Q.7. What were the factors that facilitated the rise of Margaret Thatcher in the politics of Britain? Comment on her major policies. (20)
Q.8. What were the major objectives of British foreign policy after the Second World War? To what extent has Britain remained relevant to the global scenario? Do you think Britain still deserves a seat on the UN Security Council? Discuss. (20)
