Philosophy KP PMS Paper II 2022

KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POST OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES OFFICERS, 2022 PHILOSOPHY (PAPER-II) Time Allowed: 03 Hours Max Marks: 100 Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q1: How does Asharism synthesize tradition with rationalism? Discuss. Q2: Explain al-Ghazali’s refutation of the philosopher’s contention that God does…

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Philosophy KP PMS Paper II 2018

KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES, 2018 (BPS 17) PHILOSOPHY PAPER-II TIME ALLOWED: 03 HOURS MAX. MARKS: 100 Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1 Critically examine Logical Positivist’s Principle of Verification. 2 What is Pragmatism? Explain its central theme. 3 State and…

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Philosophy KP PMS Paper I 2018

KPK, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Competitive Examination for the Posts of PMS, 2018 PHILOSOPHY, PAPER-1 Time Allowed: 03 Hours Max: Marks: 100 Attempt any five questions and each questions carry equal marks. 1 What is informal fallacy? Explain fallacies of Ambiguity and Presumption with at least one example each. 2 Critically examine five criteria commonly used…

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Philosophy KP PMS Paper II 2016

KPK, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Competitive Examination for the Posts of PMS, 2016 PHILOSOPHY, PAPER-2 Time Allowed: 03 Hours Max: Marks: 100 Note: Attempt any five questions. Q. 1. Give an account of Idealism in the early British philosophy. Q. 2. Elaborate the difference between Pragmaticism of Peirce and Pragmatism of William James. Q. 3. Discuss…

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Philosophy KP PMS Paper I 2016

KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT. SERVICES (BPS-17) 2016 PHILOSOPHY PAPER – I TIME ALLOWED:03 HOURS(MAX. MARKS:100 Attempt any five questions. Each question carries equal marks. Q. 1. What is an argument? How inductive arguments differ from deductive arguments. Elucidate with the help of examples. Q. 2. What…

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Philosophy KP PMS Paper II 2010

KPK. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, PESHAWAR SUBJECT: COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVISIONAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE (BPS-17) 2010 PHILOSOPHY PAPER II Time allowed: 03 hours Max:Marks:100 Attempt any five questions. 1 Discuss the debate between Idealism and Empiricism. 2 Elaborate Pierce’s contribution to Pragmatism? 3 Critically discuss Berg son’s Vitalism? 4 Is Sartre an existentialist? 5…

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Philosophy KP PMS Paper I 2008

NWFP, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, PESHAWAR COMPETITIVE EXAMIN AVON FOR PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE, 2008. PHILOSOPHY PAPER I TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS 100 Note: Attempt any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Q.1 What is logic? Substantiate in detail the applications of logic in life. Q.2 Differentiate between Definiens and Definiendum. Discuss various types…

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