Indian History Balochistan PCS Paper I Syllabus
Total Marks 150 INDIAN HISTORY PERIOD-I India from the first Arian settlement to the end of 1526 A.D. Questions may also be set on the History of Buddhism outside India 3,455 Views
Syllabus History of Pakistan and India
Total Marks 150 INDIAN HISTORY PERIOD-I India from the first Arian settlement to the end of 1526 A.D. Questions may also be set on the History of Buddhism outside India 3,455 Views
Total Marks 150 INDIAN HISTORY PERIOD-II India from 1527 to 1857 4,682 Views
Indian History, Period I Indian from the first Aryan settlement to the end of 1526 A.D. questions may also be set on the history of Budhism outside India. 1,450 Views
Indian History, Period II India from 1527 to 1857 3,429 Views
History of Pakistan and India Total Marks – 200 Paper II Marks – 100 Part A: 1857 – 1947 – Arrival of European nations – decline and fall of Muslim rule, contributions of Shah Wali Ullah, Syed Ahmad Shaheed and Sir Syed Ahmad Khan towards regeneration of the Muslim Hindu reform movements and anti-Muslim role…
History of Pakistan and India Total Marks – 200 Paper I Marks – 100 712 – 1857 (Excluding arrival of European nations, decline and fall of Muslim rule) – Arrival of the Muslims in the sub-continent, foundation of Muslim rule – administrative system and reforms under the Sultans and the Mughals – Structure of the…
S.No. TITLE AUTHOR 1. Political Parties in Pakistan: 1947-58 Afzal, M Rafique, 1986 2. Government & Politics in Pakistan Ahmad, Mushtaq, 1970 3. Party Politics in Pakistan: 1947-58 Aziz, K.K. 1976 4. India’s Struggle for Independence Chandra Bipin, 1989 5. Constitutional Development in Pakistan Chaudhary, G.W. 1959 6. Wavell and the Days of…
History of Pakistan and India (100 Marks) I. Muslim Rule and Heritage in India (712-1857): Political History Arrival, foundation and consolidation of Muslim rule in India, important rulers of the Slave Dynasty and the Mughals. The Spirit and legacy of Muslim civilization, Art, Architecture and literature, Public Administration under Muslim Rules. Sultans, Kings, Economic, Social,…