Chemistry KP PMS Paper I 2018

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Public Service Commission

Competitive Examination for the Posts of Provincial Management Services (BPS-17) 2018

Chemistry Paper I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any 5 questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) a) Derive Schrodinger equation. What is wave function? What is its importance? (12)
b) What is photoelectric effect? How can you explain it with the help of quantum theory of light? (8)

Q2) a) What is meant by free energy of a system? How is it related with enthalpy and entropy of the system?(10)
b) State and explain the 1st law of thermodynamics?(10)

Q3) a) Write down the applications of soft and hard acid base concept (10)
b) What are indicators? Discuss acid base and redox indicators(10)

Q4) a) Explain why nitrogen cannot expand its octet but phosphorus can?(06)
b) Write a detailed note on oxyacids of phosphorous(14)

Q5) a) What are transition metals? Discuss their characteristics features. (10)
b) What is crystal field splitting? What does it cepend upon? How would you proceed to calculate crystal field stabilization energy of a complex? (10)

Q6) a) Explain the lead chamber process for the manufacture of sulfuric acid. Also draw the flow sheet diagram.(10)
b) Describe the composition of the Portland cement. Discuss the wet process for the manufacture of cement(10)

Q7) a) What is water pollution? Discuss the primary sources of water pollution. (10)
b) How is coper extracted from its ores? Discuss the refining process of copper.(10)

Q8) Write notes on the following
(a) Photochemical smog (10) (b) Aliptropes of carbon(10)