Chemistry KP PMS Paper I 2022

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Public Service Commission

Competitive Examination for the Posts of Provincial Management Services (BPS-17) 2022

Chemistry Paper I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any 5 questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1 What is your opinion how Schrodinger wave equation can helps in determining the position of an electron in an atom? Derive Schrodinger equation and also comment on the significance of Ψ (psi) and Ψ<sup>2</sup>? (20)

Q.2 (a) What is equivalent and molar conductance? Describe how degree of dissociation of a weak electrolyte can be determined. (10)
(b) Explain with suitable examples that how a Galvanic cell is different from electrolytic? (05)
(c) How you will measure EMF of a Cell? Using Nernst equation. (05)

Q 3 What are the characteristics of 2nd order reaction? and how they are different from 1st order reaction. Derive expression for a 2nd order reaction using similar concentration of reactants. (20)

Q 4 Describe the extraction of pure Aluminum from bauxite ore. Please give chemical reactions, flow diagram and other related details. (20)

Q 5 How Cement is prepared at industrial scale? Describe separately Dry and Wet process. (20)

Q 6 Describe Valance Bond theory and explain the structure of Acetylene on its basis. (10)
What is inductive effect and how it effects the strength of an acid.? (10)

Q 7 (a) Describe chemical equilibrium and how it is influenced? (10)
(b) Describe Gibbs phase rules and its applications to two component (10) system.

Q 8 Write notes on any TWO of the following (20)
(a) Debye – Huckel theory
(b) Nitrogen fixation
(c) Ozone layer depletion
