Computer Science KP PMS Syllabus

Computer Science

Total Marks – 100

Candidates will be asked to attempt total five questions. They will attempt at least one question from each section. Each question will carry 20 marks.

Table of Contents

Section A

Computer Architecture: Introduction to modern machine Architecture, Storage Hierarchy, Main / Virtual / Cache / Secondary memory, CPU, ALU, Peripheral communication, designing of instruction set, stored programme concept, introduction to parallel computing, SIMD / MIMD

Operating system: Functions / Types of operating systems, Processes, Interprocesses, Communication / Synchronization / Coordination, Process Scheduling Policies, Visual Memory Management Techniques, Paging / Segmentation, File Management Systems

Computer Networks: LAN / WAN / MAN, communication channels, internetworking, internet, network layer structure, ISO Internet Protocol, OSI / TCP / IP reference model

Section B

Structured and Object Oriented Programming

Basics of C/C++ environment, memory concepts, operators, control structures, selection structures, Array & functions / methods, classes & data abstractions, inheritance and polymorphism

Data Structures and Algorithms

Pseudo language, functions, iteration, recursion, time / complexity analysis, stacks queue, hashing, linked list, searching, sequential, binary, sorting algorithms, graphic algorithms, tree algorithms, trees, ADTs, implementation using structured / object oriented languages

Software Engineering

Introduction to software engineering, software life cycle, software design methodologies, structured / object oriented, software documentation and management, introduction to CASE tools

Section C

Database Management

Data, Models, E R Models, Relational Database concepts, SQL normalization, Database Design

Web Programming

HTML, CGI, PERL, JAVA, Applet / Script, WWW, Web based interface design

Computer Graphics

Fundamentals of input, display and hard copy devices, scan conversion of geometric primitives, 2D and 3D geometric transformations, clipping and windowing, scene modeling and animation, algorithms for visible and surface determination
