Constitutional Law
Maximum Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1 In addition to the application of the doctrine of ultra vires, the High Court has at Common law supervisory jurisdiction over Tribunals, over Ministers and other public authorities who have a quasi-judicial power, as well as inferior courts such as magistrate courts. This supervisory jurisdiction is designed to ensure that such Tribunals, persons or courts observe the principles of natural justice. Critically explain and discuss.
2 The problems of ensuring that foreign commitments will not be unreasonably made is not which is confined to the Executive Agreement or primarily connected with it. It inheres in the nature of the executive power of the President and its separation from the legislative power in the American Constitutional system. Comment and discuss.
3 Distinguish between the Constitutional Law and Constitutional Conventions and discuss the importance of the Constitutional
Conventions in UK.
4 A serious question, affecting the balance between the Center and the States in the Indian constitution is, whether the Central Executive power to declare a state of emergency in any part of the union should be permitted to be misused to achieve a collateral aim, such as the removal of a state Ministry. Discuss.
5 On what occasions and under what circumstances, the President of the National Assembly of the French Republic has powers to assume functions of the President of the French Republic.
6 Rights and duties of individuals under the 1977 Constitution of U.S.S.R.
7 If a statute is declared unconstitutional, it cannot be validated even by Constitutional amendment unless the amendment is expressly
retrospective. Discuss with reference to the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973.
8 What are the provisions of separation of Judiciary from the Executive in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973? Explain the implications thereof in the light of the recent order of the Sind High Court.