Constitutional Law CSS Paper 2002



NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Answer must be concise and thoughtful.

Q1. Objective Resolution is an effective and operative part of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 and no court can refuse to enforce it. Please comment on it.

Q2. Article 8 of the Constitution, 1973 says that the state shall not make any laws inconsistent with or in derogation of Fundamental Rights. Do you think that both the provisions are inconsistent with each other? Give your arguments.

Q3. The Constitution of Pakistan 1962 was federal only in name, in fact it was a unitary constitution with a highly centralized system of government. Please comment.

Q4. It was not before a decade after independence that Pakistan could get its first constitution. What were the causes of delay?

Q5. What do you understand by “Rule of Law”? Compare “Rule of Law” with “Droit Administration?

Q6. Article 51-A of the Indian Constitution enumerates Fundamental Duties of its citizens. Do you think it is a useless piece of drafting which can never be enforced?

Q7. Give a detailed comparison of American Congress and British Parliament.

8. Write only the correct choice in the Answer Book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

(1) The Constitution of Pakistan 1973 consisits of:
(a) 280 Articles, 12 Parts, 6 Schedules.
(b) 279 Articles, 8 Parts, 5 Schedules.
(c) 270 Articles, 9 Parts, 7 Schedules.
(d) None of these

(2) The Constitution of Pakistan 1973 was enforced on:
(a) 1st January, 1973
(b) 23rd March, 1973
(c) 4th August, 1973
(d) None of these

(3) Objectives Resolution was passed on:
(a) 23rd March, 1940
(b) 12th March, 1949
(c) 14th August, 1956
(d) None of these

(4) According to law, the highest Court of Appeal is England is:
(a) House of Lords
(b) House of Commons
(c) Privy Council
(d) None of these

(5) Lord Cruzan in 1923 was not chosen by George V as Prime Minister because he belonged to:
(a) Tory
(b) Liberal
(c) Democratic Party
(d) None of these

(6) The number of Privy Council members is:
(a) 300
(b) 330
(c) 360
(d) None of these

(7) A public bill when introduced by a private member of English Parliament is called:
(a) Private Bill
(b) Unofficial Bill
(c) Individual member bill
(d) None of these

(8) Originally the House of Representatives consisted of:
(a) 50 members only
(b) 55 members only
(c) 65 members only
(d) None of these

(9) The US President can declare war with the consent of:
(a) Defence Council
(b) Senate
(c) Cabinet
(d) None of these

(10) In United States President Pro Tempore preside over the meetings of the Senate in the absence of:
(a) Chairman
(b) Vice President
(c) Secretary of State
(d) None of these

(11) By what majority from each of the central legislature, the Supreme Soviet can amend the Consitution:
(a) Simple
(b) Two third
(c) Three fouth
(d) None of these

(12) Soviet of the Union and the Soviet of the nationalities each have an equal membership of:
(a) 700
(b) 725
(c) 750
(d) None of these

(13) After how many years, local bodies elections are held in England:
(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Five
(d) None of these

(14) In English legal system, the smallest unit of local authority is called:
(a) Parish
(b) Sub-division
(c) Town
(d) None of these

(15) The President of France can be impeached only for:
(a) Misconduct
(b) Insanity
(c) Defection
(d) None of these

(16) Into how many departments, France has been divided:
(a) 75
(b) 90
(c) 100
(d) None of these

(17) According to the US Constitution members of the President’s Cabinet must not be members of:
(a) Senate
(b) Congress
(c) House of Representatives
(d) None of these

(18) In how many classes the whole of US Council Service has been divided:
(a) Four
(b) Five
(c) Six
(d) None of these

(19) A person Elected to a House in Pakistan cannot sit or vote until he has made before the House an:
(a) Acceptance
(b) Affirmation
(c) Offer
(d) None of these

(20) The legislative lists mentioned in Article 70(A) of the Constitution of Pakistan are:
(a) Federal Legislative List and Concurrent Legislative List
(b) Federal Legislative List and Legislative List and Provincial Legislative List
(c) Concurrent Legislative List and Provincial Legislative List
(d) None of these
