Constitutional Law CSS Paper 2008



NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Answer must be concise and thoughtful.

Time Allowed: 30 Mins

Q.1 Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet.

(1) The French Constitution of 1791 was replaced by:

(a) The constitution of 1794 (b) The constitution of 1795 (c) The constitution of 1895 (d) none of these

(2) The French constitution of fifth Republic consisted of:

(a) 15 Chapters and 90 Articles (b) 16 Chapters and 90 Articles (c) 17 chapters and 90 Articles (d) none of these

(3) The Magna carta of 1215 contains:

(a) 63 clauses (b) 64 clauses (c) 65 clauses (d) none of these

(4) “The English constitution does not exist” who said it?

(a) Montesquieu (b) Tocqueville (c) Finer (d) None of these

(5) The term ‘equal protection of law’ used in Article 14 of the Indian constitution was borrowed from:

(a) Canada (b) USA (c) Germany (c) None of these

(6) The constitutional reforms of the 1919 act came into force in:

(a) 1919 (b) 1920 (c) 1921 (d) 1924

(7) The executive government of Britain consists of :

(a) One part (b) three parts (c) Four parts (d) None of these

(8) The parliament act of 1911 as amended in 1949 has reduced considerably the powers of:

(a) The House of Commons (b) The House of Lords (c) The Prime Minister (d) None of these

(9) An important feature of The American constitution is that it is:

(a) Unitary (b) Flexible (c) Federal (d) None of these

(10) USA has two party system; that is

(a) Democratic and Labour party (b) Democratic and Conservative Party (c) Democratic and Republican Party (d) None of these

(11) The weakest second chamber of the federal legislature is found in:

(a) India (b) USA (c) Britain (d) None of these.

(12) Pressure groups first originated in the political system of

(a) USA (b) Prussia (c) Britain (d) None of these.

(13) American Supreme court is:

(a) Elected by congress (b) Selected by judicial Committee of the Privy Council. (c) Nominated by the president with the consent of the Senate (d) None of these.

(14) France is associated with:

(a) Rule of Law (b) Proletarian law (c) Administrative law (d) None of these

(15) When was the constitution preceding its disintegration enforced by USSR?

(a) 1947 (b) 1917 (c) 1936 (d) None of these.

(16) In which countries constitution ratification of certain amendments by the state is not essential for changing the provisions of the constitution?

(a) USA (b) India (c) Erstwhile USSR (d) None of these

(17) Indian Federation is mainly based on the pattern of federal system found in:

(a) Canada (b) USA (c) Britain (d) None of these

(18) Which of the following federal countries has the lengthiest and most elaborate constitution?

(a) India (b) Australia (c) Canada (d) None of these

(19) Which of the following article is considered as the supremacy clause of the USA constitution?

(a) Article 1 (B) Article 4 (c) Article 6 (D) None of these

(20) Which of the following article in the constitution of Pakistan 1973, declares that “Islam shall be the state religion”?

(a) Article 1 (b) Article 2 (c) Article 3 (d) None of these.


Time Allowed: 2 Hours and 30 Mins

Note:Attempt only four questions from part-2.All questions carry equal Marks.

Q.2. “The term Cabinet Government and Presidential Government are often used to draw the same distinction as is marked by the terms parliamentary executive and non-parliamentary executive .But unless these terms are carefully defined they may be misleading”.Discuss with reference to UK and USA.

Q.3. Distinguish between law and conventions and examine the importance of conventions in the British political system.

Q.4. “The rule of law establishes the equality of all citizens before court of law .” Comment with reference to British political system.

Q.5. Compare and contrast the powers of the President of the USA with those of the British Prime Minister.

Q.6. Discuss the powers, structures and functions of Lok Sabha (LOWER HOUSE) under the constitution of India.

Q.7. “President in Fifth Republic of France is the symbol of Bonapartism”? Comment.

Q.8. Compare the power and positions of senate of Pakistan and USA.
