Countries in Africa

There are 54 countries and one “non-self governing territory”, the Western Sahara, in Africa.

Before colonial rule Africa comprised up to 10,000 different states and autonomous groups with distinct languages and customs.

All of Africa was colonized by foreign powers during the “scramble for Africa”, except Ethiopia and Liberia.

African continent is the world’s oldest populated area.

Africa is the second most populous continent with about 1.1 billion people or 16% of the world’s population.

Over 50% of Africans are under the age of 25.The continent’s population will more than double to 2.3 billion people by 2050.

Africa is the world’s poorest and most underdeveloped continent with a continental GDP that accounts for just 2.4% of global GDP.

France still owns Réunion (pop 2020 – 895,312) and Mayotte (pop 2020 – 272,815). United Kingdom still occupies Saint Helena (Pop 2020 – 6,077.

Source: National Geographic

#CountryPopulation (2020)Subregion
1Nigeria206139589Western Africa
2Ethiopia114963588Eastern Africa
3Egypt102334404Northern Africa
4DR Congo89561403Middle Africa
5Tanzania59734218Eastern Africa
6South Africa59308690Southern Africa
7Kenya53771296Eastern Africa
8Uganda45741007Eastern Africa
9Algeria43851044Northern Africa
10Sudan43849260Northern Africa
11Morocco36910560Northern Africa
12Angola32866272Middle Africa
13Mozambique31255435Eastern Africa
14Ghana31072940Western Africa
15Madagascar27691018Eastern Africa
16Cameroon26545863Middle Africa
17Côte d'Ivoire26378274Western Africa
18Niger24206644Western Africa
19Burkina Faso20903273Western Africa
20Mali20250833Western Africa
21Malawi19129952Eastern Africa
22Zambia18383955Eastern Africa
23Senegal16743927Western Africa
24Chad16425864Middle Africa
25Somalia15893222Eastern Africa
26Zimbabwe14862924Eastern Africa
27Guinea13132795Western Africa
28Rwanda12952218Eastern Africa
29Benin12123200Western Africa
30Burundi11890784Eastern Africa
31Tunisia11818619Northern Africa
32South Sudan11193725Eastern Africa
33Togo8278724Western Africa
34Sierra Leone7976983Western Africa
35Libya6871292Northern Africa
36Congo5518087Middle Africa
37Liberia5057681Western Africa
38Central African Republic4829767Middle Africa
39Mauritania4649658Western Africa
40Eritrea3546421Eastern Africa
41Namibia2540905Southern Africa
42Gambia2416668Western Africa
43Botswana2351627Southern Africa
44Gabon2225734Middle Africa
45Lesotho2142249Southern Africa
46Guinea-Bissau1968001Western Africa
47Equatorial Guinea1402985Middle Africa
48Mauritius1271768Eastern Africa
49Eswatini1160164Southern Africa
50Djibouti988000Eastern Africa
51Comoros869601Eastern Africa
52Cabo Verde555987Western Africa
53Sao Tome & Principe219159Middle Africa
54Seychelles98347Eastern Africa
