Current Affairs CSS Paper 2022




NOTE: (i) Part II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at one place instead of at different places.
(iv) Write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q. Paper.
(v) No Page / Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be crossed.
(vi) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the question will not be considered.


Q 1 (i) Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate Box on the OMR Answer Sheet. (20 x 1 = 20)
(ii) Answers given anywhere else, other than OMR Answer Sheet, will not be considered.

1 The book ‘Pakistan: A Hard Country’ was written by:
(A) Anatol Lieven (B) Daniel Markey (C) Ian Talbot (D) None of these

2 The book ‘The Great Illusion’ was written by:
(A) Friedric Angel (B) Normal Angell (C) Lillian Angel (D) None of these

3 The book ‘No Higher Honour’ was written by:
(A) Collen Powell (B) Barak Obama (C) Condoleezza Rice (D) None of these

4 The book ‘Sapiens’ was written by:
(A) Crispic Bates (B) Yousaf Harari (C) Yuval Noah Harari (D) None of these

5 Article ___ of the Constitution of Pakistan deals with ‘Vote of No Confidence’ against Prime Minister.
(A) 95 (B) 96 (C) 97 (D) None of these

6 ___ Session of Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC was held in Islamabad in March 2022.
(A) 47th (B) 48th (C) 49th (D) None of these

7 Mariupol is the name of a city:
(A) Russia (B) Poland (C) Ukraine (D) None of these

8 Kautilya was the chief advisor of:
(A) Emperor Chandragupta Maurrya (B) Ashoka the Great (C) Prithvi Raj Chauhan (D) None of these

9 CIS is a regional organization situated in:
(A) Far East (B) Central East (C) Middle East (D) None of these

10 Name of present Chinese Foreign Minister is:
(A) Wang Yi (B) Yeo Jing (C) Wong Rong (D) None of these

11 The height of world’s tallest building, Burj Khalifa (UAE) is ___ metres.
(A) 848 (B) 838 (C) 828 (D) None of these

12 ____ is the current US Secretary of State.
(A) Mike Pompeo (B) Antony Blinken (C) Lloyed Austin (D) None of these

13 Dr. A. Qadeer Khan died on:
(A) 15 March 2021 (B) 12 July 2021 (C) 10 October 2021 (D) None of these

14 Squash legen Jehangir Khan won ___ matches in a row.
(A) 555 (B) 444 (C) 333 (D) None of these

15 The headquarter of ECO is in:
(A) Ankara (B) Tehran (C) Baku (D) None of these

16 Total membership of EU is:
(A) 26 (B) 27 (C) 28 (D) None of these

17 Current President of the UN General Assembly is:
(A) Volkan Bozkir (B) Chris Smith (C) Abdulla Shahid (D) None of these

18 The currency of Norway is:
(A) Norwegian Krone (B) Norwegian Dollar (C) Norwegian Pound (D) None of these

19 Total membership of SAARC is:
(A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) None of these

20 The capital of Canada is:
(A) Toronto (B) Montreal (C) Ottawa (D) None of these

Part II

Q.No.2. Propose prospective foreign policy options for Pakistan in the wake of Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022. (20)

Q.No.3. The 2021 Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan present regional and global challenges. Elaborate the anticipated policies of the Taliban government and the regional and global response. (20)

Q.No.4. How do the nature and possible prospects US-Russia strategic nuclear deterrence change with the enforcement of New START treaty of 2021? What could be the treaty implications on Pakistan’s nuclear program keeping in view its defence policy? (20)

Q.No.5. Muslims Ummah has failed to unite under the one roof. The leadership, their internal wrangling and sectarian divide keeps them away from each other. No wonder the Muslim world is in shamble in their home countries, at OIC level and at international forums. Taking a tag from above, discuss ways and means to unite the Muslim Ummah with a pragmatic approach. (20)

Q.No.6. Numerous political systems, Parliamentary as well as Presidential have been in vogue in Pakistan with limited success. Draft your own propose but practical system that would result in good governance of the country. Stipulate reasons and conditions for its success. (20)

Q.No.7. The China and US have been in an ongoing trade war since 2018. In academic circles it has been argued that this conflict may as well be the Second Cold War. Critically evaluate the future world order with main actors as China, Russia and the US. (20)

Q.No.8. Write short notes on any two of the following. (20)
(a) Poverty and Trade in South Asia and the role of SAARC.
(b) A comparison of leadership qualities between Xi Jinping of China and Joe Biden of the US.
(c ) 2022 FIFA World Cup and politics of the Arab World.

Q 1 MCQs – Answers

1 (A) Anatol Lieven 2 (B) Normal Angell 3 (C) Condoleezza Rice 4 (C) Yuval Noah Harari 5 (A) 95 6 (B) 48th 7 (C) Ukraine 8 (A) Emperor Chandragupta Maurrya 9 (B) Central East 10 (A) Wang Yi 11 (C) 828 12 (B) Antony Blinken 13 (C) 10 October 2021 14 (A) 555 15 (B) Tehran 16 (B) 27 17 (C) Abdulla Shahid 18 (A) Norwegian Krone 19 (B) 8 20 (C) Ottawa