Democracy Index 2019

The Democracy Index (DI) is an index compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), a UK-based company.

The Economist Intelligence Unit (The EIU) is the research and analysis division of The Economist Group, the sister company to The Economist newspaper.

The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index provides a snapshot of the state of democracy worldwide in 165 independent states and two territories.

The index was first published in 2006, with updates for 2008, 2010 and later years.

The index is based on 60 indicators grouped in five different categories, measuring pluralism, civil liberties and political culture.

In addition to a numeric score and a ranking, the index categorises each country in one of four regime types: full democracies, flawed democracies, hybrid regimes and authoritarian regimes.

Democracy Index 2019 Highlights

2019: the worst global score since 2006
In 2019 the average global score fell from 5.48 in 2018 to 5.44 (on a 0-10 scale), the worst result since the Democracy Index began in 2006. The decline in the global democracy score was driven by sharp regressions in the average regional scores in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Around the world: a year of global protest
There was a major increase in political protest and social unrest in emerging-market regions of the world. This was the biggest upsurge of protest since 2014, in the aftermath of the global economic and financial crisis.

Top and bottom
There was little change at the very top and the very bottom of the index. Once again Norway came out on top, with a score of 9.87 (on a scale of 0-10), and North Korea was at the bottom of the global rankings, with a score of 1.08.

Winners and losers
Three countries (Chile, France and Portugal) moved from the “flawed democracy” to the “full democracy” category. Malta moved in the opposite direction, falling out of the “full democracy” category to become a “flawed democracy”. At the other end of the democracy spectrum, Iraq and Palestine moved from being classified as “hybrid regimes” to “authoritarian regimes”.

An overall setback in Latin America, despite some gains
Latin America is the most democratic emerging-market region in the world. However, its overall score fell substantially in 2019, from 6.24 in 2018 to 6.13, a fourth consecutive year of decline.

Asia: a year of drama and tumult
Asian democracies had a tumultuous year in 2019. The biggest score change occurred in Thailand, whose score improved by 1.69 points compared with 2018, to 6.32, resulting in a rise of 38 places in the global rankings and a transition from a “hybrid regime” to a “flawed democracy”. The biggest democracy in the world, India, dropped ten places in the Democracy Index’s global ranking, to 51st place. India’s overall score fell from 7.23 in 2018 to 6.90 in 2019. The primary cause of the democratic regression was an erosion of civil liberties in the country.

MENA: a turbulent year
Challenging geopolitical circumstances, economic stagnation and corruption have all fed through into rising popular frustration with the political status quo in several countries, including Algeria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Sudan.

Sub-Saharan Africa’s democracy drought
Sub-Saharan Africa, which is highly populated by authoritarian regimes (they account for half of the region’s 44 countries that are scored in the Democracy Index), experienced a significant democratic regression in 2019.

Eastern Europe’s democratic malaise persists
In 2019 eastern Europe’s average score in the Democracy Index remained unchanged from 2018, at 5.42. This remains markedly below the region’s score of 5.76 in 2006, when the index was first published.

Western Europe welcomes back two “full democracies” and loses one
Western Europe’s average score in the Democracy Index was stable in 2019 compared with 2018, at 8.35, after falling slightly in each of the three previous years. Countries in western Europe occupy seven of the top-ten places in the global democracy rankings, including the top three spots, and the region boasts the largest number of “full democracies” of anywhere in the world, with a total of 15. In 2019 two countries—France and Portugal—moved from the “flawed democracy” to the “full democracy” category, and one—Malta—moved in the other direction.


Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit

 Type of Regime Score Countries Countries % Population %
 Full Democracies 8 < s  22  13.2 5.7 
Flawed Democracies  6 < s  ≤ 8 54  32.3  42.7
Hybrid Democracies   4 < s ≤ 6 37  22.2  16.0 
Authoritarian Regimes s ≤ 4 54 32.3 35.6

Democracy Index 2019 – Full Report

Democracy Index 2019 – Full List

RankCountryScoreElectoral process and pluralismFunctioning of governmentPolitical ParticipationPolitical CultureCivil LibertiesRegime Type
1Norway9.87109.6410109.71Full democracy
2Iceland9.58109.298.89109.71Full democracy
3Sweden9.399.589.648.33109.41Full democracy
4New Zealand9.26109.298.898.1310Full democracy
5Finland9.22108.938.898.759.71Full democracy
6Ireland9.15107.868.331010Full democracy
7Denmark9.15109.298.339.389.12Full democracy
7Canada9.149.589.647.789.389.71Full democracy
9Australia9.09108.937.788.7510Full democracy
10Switzerland9.039.589.297.789.389.12Full democracy
11Netherlands8.899.589.298.338.759.12Full democracy
12Luxembourg8.81108.936.678.759.71Full democracy
13Germany8.689.588.578.337.59.41Full democracy
14United Kingdom8.539.587.58.897.59.12Full democracy
15Uruguay8.38108.576.117.59.71Full democracy
16Austria8.299.587.868.336.888.82Full democracy
16Spain8.229.587.147.788.138.82Full democracy
18Mauritius8. democracy
19Costa Rica8.139.587.56.677.59.41Full democracy
20France8.129.587.867.786.888.53Full democracy
21Chile8.089.588.5758.139.12Full democracy
22Portugal8.039.587.866.117.59.12Full democracy
23South Korea89.177.867.227.58.24Flawed democracy
24Japan7.998.758.216.677.58.82Flawed democracy
25United States of America7.969.177.147.787.58.24Flawed democracy
26Malta7.959. democracy
27Estonia7.99.587.866.676.888.53Flawed democracy
28Israel7.869.177.868.897.55.88Flawed democracy
29Botswana7.819. democracy
30Cabo Verde7.789.177.366.676.888.82Flawed democracy
31Taiwan7.739.588.216.115.639.12Flawed democracy
32Czech Republic7.699.586.796.676.888.53Flawed democracy
33Belgium7.649.588.2156.888.53Flawed democracy
34Cyprus7.599.176.436.676.888.82Flawed democracy
35Italy7.529.586.077.786.257.94Flawed democracy
36Slovenia7.59.586.796.676.258.24Flawed democracy
36Lithuania7.59.586.436.116.259.12Flawed democracy
38Latvia7.499.586.076.116.888.82Flawed democracy
39Greece7.439.584.866.677.58.53Flawed democracy
40South Africa7.247.427.58.3357.94Flawed democracy
41Timor-Leste7.199.586.295.566.887.65Flawed democracy
42Slovakia7.179.587.145.565.637.94Flawed democracy
43Malaysia7.169.177.866.676.255.88Flawed democracy
43Trinidad and Tobago7.169.587.146.115.637.35Flawed democracy
45Colombia7.139.176.795.565.638.53Flawed democracy
46Panama7.059.586.076.6757.94Flawed democracy
47Bulgaria7.039.176.437.224.387.94Flawed democracy
48Argentina7.029.175.366.116.258.24Flawed democracy
49Suriname6.989.176.436.6757.65Flawed democracy
50Jamaica6.968.757.144.446.258.24Flawed democracy
51India6.98.676.796.675.636.76Flawed democracy
52Brazil6.869.585.366.1158.24Flawed democracy
53Tunisia6.729.175.717.225.635.88Flawed democracy
54Philippines6.649.175.367.224.387.06Flawed democracy
55Ghana6.638.335.716.676.256.18Flawed democracy
55Hungary6.638.756.0756.257.06Flawed democracy
57Poland6.629. democracy
58Peru6.69.1755.565.637.65Flawed democracy
59Croatia6.579.176.075.5657.06Flawed democracy
60Dominican Republic6.549.175.366.1157.06Flawed democracy
60Lesotho6.549.174.56.675.636.76Flawed democracy
62Mongolia6.59.175.715.5657.06Flawed democracy
63Romania6.499.175.715.564.387.65Flawed democracy
64Indonesia6.487.927.146.115.635.59Flawed democracy
65Namibia6.436.585.366.675.637.94Flawed democracy
66Serbia6.418.255.366.1157.35Flawed democracy
67Ecuador6.338.755.366.114.387.06Flawed democracy
68Thailand6.327.425.366.116.256.47Flawed democracy
69Sri Lanka6.2776.075.566.256.47Flawed democracy
70Paraguay6.248.755.7154.387.35Flawed democracy
71El Salvador6.159.174.646.113.757.06Flawed democracy
71Guyana6.156.925.366.1157.35Flawed democracy
73Mexico6.097.836. democracy
74Papua New Guinea6.036.926.073.895.637.65Flawed democracy
75Hong Kong6.023.584.366.117.58.53Flawed democracy
75Singapore6.023.927.8656.257.06Flawed democracy
77North Macedonia5.9775.366.673.757.06Hybrid regime
78Ukraine5.97.422.716.676.256.47Hybrid regime
79Albania5.8975.364.4457.65Hybrid regime
80Bangladesh5.887.836.076.114.385Hybrid regime
81Fiji5.856.585.366.115.635.59Hybrid regime
82Senegal5.816.086.074.446.256.18Hybrid regime
83Moldova5.756.584.646.114.387.06Hybrid regime
84Montenegro5.655.675.366.114.386.76Hybrid regime
85Madagascar5.647.923.576.115.635Hybrid regime
86Armenia5.547.55.366.113.135.59Hybrid regime
87Malawi5.56.084.2956.255.88Hybrid regime
88Liberia5.457.423.075.565.635.59Hybrid regime
89Georgia5.427.833.216.114.385.59Hybrid regime
89Honduras5.427.834.294.444.386.18Hybrid regime
91Bhutan5.38.756.792.784.383.82Hybrid regime
92Nepal5.284.835.3655.635.59Hybrid regime
93Guatemala5.266.924.643.894.386.47Hybrid regime
94Kenya5.183.55.716.675.634.41Hybrid regime
95Tanzania5.165.75555.634.41Hybrid regime
96Morocco5.15.254.645.565.634.41Hybrid regime
97Benin5.094.675.714.445.635Hybrid regime
97Zambia5.094.752.934.446.886.47Hybrid regime
99Uganda5.024.333.574.446.885.88Hybrid regime
100Mali4.926.423.073.895.635.59Hybrid regime
101Kyrgyz Republic4.896.082.936.673.755Hybrid regime
102Bosnia and Hercegovina4.866.172.935.563.755.88Hybrid regime
102Sierra Leone4.866.582.863.336.255.29Hybrid regime
104Bolivia4.844.753.9353.756.76Hybrid regime
105Haiti4.574.752.073.896.255.88Hybrid regime
106Lebanon4.363.921.56.6754.71Hybrid regime
107Gambia4.3344.293.335.634.41Hybrid regime
108Pakistan4.256.085.712.222.54.71Hybrid regime
109Nigeria4.125.173.933.333.754.41Hybrid regime
110Turkey4.093.085552.35Hybrid regime
111Côte d’Ivoire4.054.332.863.335.634.12Hybrid regime
112Burkina Faso4.043.922.714.4454.12Hybrid regime
113Algeria4.013.082.86554.12Hybrid regime
114Jordan3.933.584.293.894.383.53Hybrid regime
114Kuwait3.933.584.293.894.383.53Hybrid regime
134Congo (Brazzaville)
145United Arab Emirates2.7603.932.2252.65Authoritarian
159Saudi Arabia1.9302.862.223.131.47Authoritarian
161Equatorial Guinea1.9200.433.334.381.47Authoritarian
165Central African Republic1.321.2501.111.882.35Authoritarian
166Democratic Republic of Congo1.13001.673.130.88Authoritarian
167North Korea1.0802.51.671.250Authoritarian
