Economics Paper – II
NOTE: (i) Attempt ONLY FIVE questions in all, including QUESTION NO.8, Which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be Considered.
(iii) Candidate must draw two straight lines(================) at the end to Separate each question attempted in Answer Book.
Q. 1 Critically examine the post 9/ 11 growth experience of Pakistan and its position in the south Asia region, identify the main issue and recommend a strategy to maintain the posture of Pakistan.
Q.2 “Agriculture is the mainstay of Pakistan Economy” justify the statement and identify the focal areas of strength. Suggest measures to boost and stabilize the performance of the sector and its sub sectors.
Q.3 What are the indicators of poverty? Review the poverty trends experiences in Pakistan. Evaluate the effectiveness of the steps being taken by the Government and suggest ways and means to further improve the micro
indicators of prosperity for reducing the poverty.
Q.4 Review the decision of WTO regarding liberalization of trade and globalization. Examine the implications and way forward for UDCs like Pakistan.
Q,5 Analyze the factors that lead to the current account surplus after 9/ 11 and the growing deficit in the current account of the balance of payments later during the fiscal year 2004 – 05. what policy steps be undertaken to
stabilize the growth of current account surplus?
Q.6 the weight of industrial (non-agriculture commodity producing sector) in the GDP structure is 26%. Evaluate its performance and contribution on the overall growth of the economy, exports, price stability, employment and
investment climate. Reflect upon the future path of action to further harness its potential.
Q.7. Highlight the significant contemporary issues, which have emerged or could not be addressed by the explicit or implicit strategies of development planning in Pakistan. Suggest alternative options to tackle the issues both in the short and long run.
8. Write only correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) A market is in equilibrium, when:
(a) AC = P (b) MC = MR (c) AC = AR (d) TC = TR (e) None of these
(2) Consumer’s surplus occurs, when:
(a) Personal valuation exceeds the market valuation (b) Market valuation exceeds the personal valuation (c) Market valuation equals the personal valuation (d) Market valuation equals the market price (e) None of these
(3) Livestock is:
(a) An independent Sector (b) Sub-sector of Agriculture (c) Should be a part of Agriculture (d) Would become a part of Agriculture
(4) Unemployment Rate is a percentage relation with reference to:
(a) Total Population (b) Civilian Labour Force (c) Employed Persons (d) Unemployed Persons (e) None of these
(5) Devaluation of rupee would result into:
(a) Expensive exports (b) Expensive Imports (c) Expensive Labour (d) Overvalued Rupee (e) None of these
(6) Indirect Taxes are:
(a) Direct Taxes – Subsidies (b) Subsidies (c) Sales Taxes (d) Income Taxes (e) None of these
(7) Negative taxation refers to:
(a) Tax Rebate (b) Subsidies (c) Tax Evasion (d) Tax Avoidance (e) None of these
(8) Most commonly referred indicator of Inflation is:
(a) Wholesale Price Index (b) Retail Price Index (c) Sensitivity Price Index (d) Consumer Price Index (e) None of these
(9) If saving Rate is 12.0%, ICOR Value is 3% and Population Rate is 2.0%, then the Growth Rate would be:
(a) 2.0% (b) 3.6% (c) 4.0% (d) 6.0% (e) None of these
NOTE: Data in the following questions refer to Pakistan Economic Survey: Fiscal Year 2005-06
(10) National Income Accounts of Pakistan have registered GDP & GNP (at market prices) as:
(a) GDP = GNP (b) GDP < GNP (c) GDP > GNP (d) GDP = NNP (e) None of these
(11) Pakistan’s Economic Growth was:
(a) 7.5% (b) 8.6% (c) 6.6% (d) 5.1% (e) None of these
(12) Weight of Agriculture Sector in GDP Structure is:
(a) 47.7% (b) 21.6% (c) 24.0% (d) 38.9% (e) None of these
(13) Unemployment Rate is:
(a) 6.5% (b) 7.7% (c) 7.8% (d) 8.3% (e) None of these
(14) Tax/GDP Ratio is:
(a) 9.2% (b) 10.4% (c) 11.0% (d) 13.2% (e) None of these
(15) Overall Fiscal Deficit with reference to GDP is:
(a) 2.4% (b) 3.3% (c) 4.2% (d) 5.0% (e) None of these
(16) Domestic Savings with reference to GDP is:
(a) 14.4% (b) 15.7% (c) 18.1% (d) 22.0% (e) None of these
(17) Health Expenditure with reference to GDP is:
(a) 0.5% (b) 0.6% (c) 0.7% (d) 0.8% (e) None of these
(18) Education expenditure with reference to GDP is:
(a) 1.6% (b) 1.7% (c) 1.9% (d) 2.1% (e) None of these
(19) As % of GDP, External Debt Liabilities declined in March 2006 to
(a) 30.9% (b) 32.6% (c) 28.3% (d) 20.0% (e) None of these
(20) The number of SOEs privatized upto April 2006 are:
(a) 140 (b) 151 (c) 160 (d) 184 (e) None of these
Economics CSS Paper II 2007