Education Punjab PMS Paper I Syllabus

PAPER -I Total Marks: 100

1. Education in Pakistan

1.1 History of Education in Pakistan

1.2 Aims of Education

1.3 System of Education in Pakistan

1.4 Educational Policies and Development Plans

1.4.1 All Pakistan Education Conference 1947

1.4.2 National Commission on Education 1959

1.4.3 The Education Policy 1972-1980

1.4.4 National Education Policies: 1979, 1992, 1998-2010, 2006.

1.4.5 Various development plans

1.5 Roles and Responsibilities in Education

1.5.1 Role of Public Sector in Education

1.5.2 Role of Private Sector in Education

1.5.3 Role of NGOs and philanthropists in Education

1.5.4 Role of foreign donor agencies in Education

1.5.5 Role of various stakeholders in Education

1.5.6 Role of Globalization in Education

2. Foundation of Education

2.1 Educational Process

2.2 Role of education in

2.2.1 Nation Building

2.2.2 National cohesion and integration

2.2.3 Character building

2.2.4 Human resource development

2.2.5 World peace and prosperity

2.3 Philosophical Foundations of Education

2.4 Psychological Foundations of Education

2.5 Sociological Foundations of Education

2.6 Islamic Concept of Education

3. Curriculum Development and Implementation

3.1 Elements of Curriculum.

3.2 Foundations of Curriculum. Philosophical Foundations; Psychological Foundations; Sociological Foundations; Economic Foundations and Technological Foundations.

3.3 Relationship of Education and Curriculum

3.4 Curriculum Development Process

3.4.1 Need Assessment

3.4.2 Formulation of Aims and Objectives Taxonomies of Educational Objectives

3.4.3 Selection of Content

3.4.4 Development of Curricular Materials

3.4.5 Selection of Teaching-Learning Strategies

3.4.6 Implementation of the Curriculum

3.4.7 Evaluation of Curriculum

3.5 Process of Curriculum Development in Pakistan

3.6 Process of Development of Test books and National Textbook Policy

4. Learning and the Process of Learning

4.1 Principles of Growth and Development

4.2 Types of Development: Cognitive; Moral; Emotional; Social

4.3 The process of Learning

4.4 Theories of Learning

4.4.1 Behaviouristic theories: Classical Conditioning; Operant Conditioning

4.4.2 Cognitive Theories: Jean Piaget’s Theory; David Ausubel’s Theory; Robert Gagne‟s Theory

4.5 Factors affecting Learning

5. Process of Teaching and Teaching Strategies

5.1 Process of Classroom Communication

5.2 Factors affecting Classroom Communication

5.3 Barriers to Classroom Communications

5.4 Use of Instructional Materials and Media

5.4.1 Role of Instructional Material and Media

5.4.2 Audio-Materials: Radio and Tape-Recorder

5.4.3 Visual Materials: Various Boards, Charts, Models, Posters

5.4.4 Projected Materials: Opaque, Overhead, Slide, Filmstrip, Multimedia

5.4.5 Non-Projected Materials

5.4.6 Motion Pictures, T.V., Computer

5.5 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
