English AJK PMS Sample Paper

Azad Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission

Competitive examination for the post of Assistant Commissioner/ Section Officer (B-17)

English precise and composition and Letter Writing

Time Allowed: 3 hours
Dated 27-7-2007 Maximum Marks: 100

Note Attempt all questions:

Q1. Write a précis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title.
The business of a judiciary (the court and judges), broadly speaking, is the impartial interpretation of the law as between government and citizen, or between classes of citizens who dispute with one another. The government, for instance, charges a man with treason (acting against one’s own country); obviously he is deprived of something essential to his freedom if the law is the acts which the government seeks to have accepted as treason. Here, obviously, the judge must be assured that his independence may be maintained with safety to himself. He must not suffer in his person or position because of the view he takes. It must not be within the power either of the government or other persons to deprive him of his authority because, as best he may, he applies the law. This, as I think, makes it essential that all judicial appointments should be held during good behavior. There may be an age-limit of service, of course; but apart, nothing should permit the removal of a judge from the bench except corruption or physical unfitness.

