English CSS Paper 1990


Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100


Table of Contents


Write a Précis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title: 25

Not all the rulers signed the Instrument of Accession at once. Afraid that the Socialist Congress Party would strip him of his amusements, flying, dancing girls and conjuring delights which he had only just begun to indulge since he had only recently succeeded his father to the throne, the young Maharajah of Jodhpur arranged a meeting with Jinnah. Jinnah was aware that both Hindu majority and geographical location meant that most of the Princely states would go to India, but he was gratified by the thought that he might be able to snatch one or two from under Patel ‘s nose. He gave Jodhpur a blank sheet of paper.

‘Write your conditions on that’ he said, ‘and I’ll sign it’ Elated, the Maharajab returned to his hotel to consider. It was an unfortunate- move on his part, for V. P. Menon was there waiting for him. Menon’s agents had alerted him to what Jodhpur was up to. He told the young ruler that his presence was requested urgently at viceroy’s House, and reluctantly the young man accompanied him there. The urgent summons had been an excuse, and once they had arrived, Menon had to go on a frantic search for Viceroy, and tell him what had happened. Mountbatten responded immediately. He solemnly reminded Jodhpur that Jinnah could not guarantee any conditions he might make, and that accession to Pakistan would spell disaster for his state. At the same time, he assured him that accession to India would flot automatically mean end of his pleasure. Mountbatten left him alone with Menon to sign a provisional agreement.


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Read the following passage carefully and answer any four questions given at the end as briefly as possible. 10

Mountbatten was taking his family to Simla to snatch a few days’ rest. He had brought with him a copy of the Draft Plan for the transfer of power (which he had sent to London for approval). Menon had come up and they were expecting Nehru for the weekend. Mountbatten was delighted that Edwina (his wife) and Jawaharlal had taken to each other so much. It could only help his work, and it seemed to do them both so much good. Nehru himself had been in fine form. Mieville and George Nicolis (Principal Secretary to the Viceroy and Deputy Personal secretary to the Viceroy respectively) had shown some – dismay at Viceroy’s openness with the Indian leader but Mountbatten chose to ignore them.

Despite his continuing optimism for the Plan, Menon’s contention that it would not be well received by the Congress had given him more than usual pause for thought. After dinner on Saturday night, he invited Nehru in the Viceregal Lodge for a nightcap. The Viceroy handed Nehru his drink, and then quite suddenly crossed the room to the safe and unlocked it, taking out the Draft Plan handed him the papers (giving free run his instinct whatever the result). Nehru took the Draft Plan eagerly and sat down with it. immersing himself in it immediately. Mountbatten watched him… The Indian had stopped reading the Plan, and was riffling angrily through the final pages. His face was-drawn and pale. Mountbatten was shaken. He had never seen Nehru so furious. Nehru made an effort to control himself…. ‘I will try to summarise my thoughts tonight and leave you a note of my objections. This much I can tell you now: Congress will never agree to plan of India’s fragmentation into a host of little states’.

The following day, the Viceroy sat on the secluded rear terrace of Viceregal Lodge while V. P. Menon read over Nehru’s promise memorandum of objections. ‘Mr. Nehru only questions certain Section of the Plan, said Menon. ‘Yes — the key ones!’ snapped Mountbatten. ‘Look we have tO redraft and resubmit immediately,- in the light of his comments. Can you do it?” ‘Very well, Your Excellency,’ said Menon. ‘..-… I want it (the fresh draft) by six O’clock this evening.’

a) How did Lord Mountbatten view the relationship between his wife, Lady Edwina and Jawaharalal Nehru? –

b) How did the officers on the staff of Lord Mountbatten view his close relationship with Nehru and what was Mountbatten’s reaction to it? –

c) Why did Lord Mountbatten show the Draft Plan to Nehru?

d) Did Lord Mountbatten show the Draft Plan to Quaid-e-Azam? If not, what will the showing of secret Draft Plan to Nehru alone will be called?

e) What motivated the drawing up of a fresh Plan for transfer of power?

f) Within what time was the fresh plan prepared and by whom?

g) Was the person who drew up the fresh plan, under orders of Mountbatten, a neutral and impartial person, not connected with any Indian community? –



Make sentences to illustrate the meaning of any four of the following: 8
a) White elephant, b) Blue Blood, c) Cleanse the Augean stable, d) Apple of discord, e) In good books, f) Between the devil and the deep sea, g) Stare in the face, h) Make off with.



Use any three of the following sets of words in sentences so as to bring out clearly the difference in their meaning: 18
a) Adept, Adopt, Adapt b) Alleged, Accused, Suspected c) Bear, Borne, Born d) Raise, Rise, Raze e) Smell, Stink, Scent f) Least, Less, Lest g) Quiet, quite, Quite h) Their, There, They’re


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Given below are a number of keywords: Select any three and indicate the word or phrase you believe is nearest in meaning to the keyword:
i) Domesticate: a) to turn native, b) be exclusive, c) cut claws, d) tame.
ii) Antics: a) expectation, b) temper, c) string games,- d) absurd behaviour.
iii) Recapitulate: a) to surrender, b) be indecisive, c) summarisè, d) retract.
iv) Hypothetical: a) philosophical, b) truce, c) assumed, d) volatile.
v) Data: a) ideas, b) belief, c) point of origin, d) information.
vi) Era: a) a disaster, b) cycle, c) period of history, d) -curious event.
vii) Trait: a) a narrow enclosure, b)strong point, c) distinguishing feature, d) footprint.



Develop the idea contained in any one of the following in about 150 words: 20
a) A thing of beauty is a joy forever
b) Cowards die many times before their death
c) In matters of conscience, the law of majority has no place
d) Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter
e) Unity, Faith, Discipline.

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